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Channel Coding-A walkthrough

Channel Coding-A walkthrough

This article is just for revising Channel Coding concepts.

Channel coding is the process that transforms binary data bits into signal elements that can cross the transmission medium. In the simplest case, in a metallic wire a bi- nary 0 is represented by a lower voltage, and a binary 1 by a higher voltage. How- ever, before selecting a coding scheme it is necessary to identify some of the strengths and weaknesses of line codes:


Figure 1.1: Line encoding technologies. AMI and HDB3 are usual in electrical signals, while CMI is often used in optical signals.

In order to meet these requirements, line coding is needed before the signal is trans- mitted, along with the corresponding decoding process at the receiving end. There are a number of different line codes that apply to digital transmission, the most widely used ones are alternate mark inversion (AMI), high-density bipolar three ze- ros (HDB3), and coded mark inverted (CMI).

 Nonreturn to zero 

Nonreturn to zero (NRZ) is a simple method consisting of assigning the bit “1” to the positive value of the signal amplitude (voltage), and the bit “0” to the nega- tive value (see Figure 1.1 ). There are two serious disadvantages to this:

No timing information is included in the signal, which means that synchronism can easily be lost if, for instance, a long sequence of zeros is being received.

The spectrum of the signal includes a dc component.

Alternate mark inversion

Alternate mark inversion (AMI) is a transmission code, also known as pseudo- ternary, in which a “0” bit is transmitted as a null voltage and the “1” bits are represented alternately as positive and negative voltage. The digital signal coded in AMI is characterized as follows (see Figure 1.1):

            • The dc component of its spectrum is null.
            • It does not solve the problem of loss of synchronization with long sequences of zeros.

Bit eight-zero suppression

Bit eight-zero suppression (B8ZS) is a line code in which bipolar violations are de- liberately inserted if the user data contains a string of eight or more consecutive ze- ros. The objective is to ensure a sufficient number of transitions to maintain the synchronization when the user data stream contains a large number of consecutive zeros (see Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2).

The coding has the following characteristics:

The coding has the following characteristics:


Figure 1.2     B8ZS and HDB3 coding. Bipolar violations are: V+ a positive level and V- negative.

High-density bipolar three zeroes

High-density bipolar three zeroes (HDB3) is similar to B8ZS, but limits the maxi- mum number of transmitted consecutive zeros to three (see Figure 1.5). The basic idea consists of replacing a series of four bits that are equal to “0” with a code word “000V” or “B00V,” where “V” is a pulse that violates the AMI law of alternate po- larity, and B it is for balancing the polarity.

Coded mark inverted

The coded mark inverted (CMI) code, also based on AMI, is used instead of HDB3 at high transmission rates, because of the greater simplicity of CMI coding and de- coding circuits compared to the HDB3 for these rates. In this case, a “1” is transmit- ted according to the AMI rule of alternate polarity, with a negative level of voltage during the first half of the period of the pulse, and a positive level in the second half. The CMI code has the following characteristics (see Figure 1.1):