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Jinja2 Tips and Tricks for Networking Engineers with Code Examples

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As a networking engineer, you may already be familiar with Jinja2, the powerful templating language for Python. Jinja2 is widely used in networking automation for generating configuration files, reports, and other outputs. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks for using Jinja2 in networking automation, along with code examples that demonstrate how to put these techniques into practice.

Introduction to Jinja2

Jinja2 is a popular templating language for Python that allows you to generate text output based on templates. It is easy to use and provides powerful features such as conditional statements, loops, and filters. Jinja2 can be used for a variety of purposes, such as generating HTML, XML, JSON, or even plain text.

In networking automation, Jinja2 is used to generate configuration files for network devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls. With Jinja2, you can create templates that include variables, conditional statements, and loops to generate customized configuration files for different devices or scenarios.

Tip #1: Using Variables in Jinja2 Templates

One of the most powerful features of Jinja2 is the ability to use variables in templates. Variables allow you to create dynamic templates that can be customized based on different parameters. For example, you can define a variable for the hostname of a device, and then use that variable in a template to generate configuration files for different devices.

Here’s an example of how to define a variable in Jinja2:

{% set hostname = 'router1' %}

In this example, we define a variable called hostname and set its value to 'router1'. We can then use this variable in a template like this:

hostname {{ hostname }}

This will output hostname router1 when the template is rendered. You can also use variables in conditional statements and loops to generate more complex templates.

Tip #2: Using Conditional Statements in Jinja2 Templates

Conditional statements allow you to generate different output based on specific conditions. In networking automation, you can use conditional statements to generate configuration files for different devices or scenarios. For example, you can generate different configurations for routers and switches based on their role in the network.

Here’s an example of how to use conditional statements in Jinja2:

{% if device_type == 'router' %}
interface {{ interface }}
ip address {{ ip_address }}
{% elif device_type == 'switch' %}
interface {{ interface }}
switchport mode access
{% endif %}

In this example, we use the if statement to check the value of the device_type variable. If the value is 'router', we generate a configuration for a router interface with an IP address. If the value is 'switch', we generate a configuration for a switch interface in access mode.

Tip #3: Using Loops in Jinja2 Templates

Loops allow you to generate repetitive output based on a list or dictionary of values. In networking automation, you can use loops to generate configuration files for multiple interfaces, VLANs, or routes.

Here’s an example of how to use loops in Jinja2:

{% for interface in interfaces %}
interface {{ interface.name }}
ip address {{ interface.ip_address }}
{% endfor %}

In this example, we use the for loop to iterate over a list of interface objects. For each interface, we generate a configuration with its name and IP address.

Tip #4: Using Filters in Jinja2 Templates

Filters allow you to modify the output of variables or expressions in Jinja2. Filters can be used to format strings, convert data types, or apply other transformations


Here’s an example of how to use filters in Jinja2:

{{ interface.name | upper }}

In this example, we use the upper filter to convert the value of the interface.name variable to uppercase. This can be useful for formatting the output of variables or expressions.

Tip #5: Using Macros in Jinja2 Templates

Macros allow you to define reusable code snippets that can be used throughout your templates. Macros can be used to simplify complex templates, reduce redundancy, and improve readability.

Here’s an example of how to define a macro in Jinja2:

{% macro interface_config(interface) %}
interface {{ interface.name }}
ip address {{ interface.ip_address }}
{% endmacro %}

In this example, we define a macro called interface_config that takes an interface object as an argument. The macro generates a configuration for the interface with its name and IP address.

Code Examples

Now that we’ve covered some tips and tricks for using Jinja2 in networking automation, let’s look at some code examples that demonstrate how to put these techniques into practice.

Example 1: Generating Router Configurations

In this example, we use Jinja2 to generate configurations for multiple routers with different hostnames and IP addresses.

from jinja2 import Template

template = Template('''
hostname {{ hostname }}

interface {{ interface }}
ip address {{ ip_address }}

routers = [
{'hostname': 'router1', 'interface': 'GigabitEthernet0/0', 'ip_address': ''},
{'hostname': 'router2', 'interface': 'GigabitEthernet0/0', 'ip_address': ''},
{'hostname': 'router3', 'interface': 'GigabitEthernet0/0', 'ip_address': ''},

for router in routers:
config = template.render(hostname=router['hostname'], interface=router['interface'], ip_address=router['ip_address'])

In this example, we define a Jinja2 template that includes variables for the hostname, interface, and IP address of a router. We then define a list of dictionaries that contain the values for these variables for each router.

We use a for loop to iterate over the list of routers and generate a configuration for each one using the render method of the Jinja2 template.

Example 2: Generating VLAN Configurations

In this example, we use Jinja2 to generate configurations for multiple VLANs with different names and IDs.

from jinja2 import Template

template = Template('''
vlan {{ vlan_id }}
name {{ vlan_name }}

vlans = [
{'vlan_id': 10, 'vlan_name': 'Sales'},
{'vlan_id': 20, 'vlan_name': 'Marketing'},
{'vlan_id': 30, 'vlan_name': 'Engineering'},

for vlan in vlans:
config = template.render(vlan_id=vlan['vlan_id'], vlan_name=vlan['vlan_name'])

In this example, we define a Jinja2 template that includes variables for the VLAN ID and name. We then define a list of dictionaries that contain the values for these variables for each VLAN.

We use a for loop to iterate over the list of VLANs and generate a configuration for each one using the render method of the Jinja2 template.


In this article, we’ve explored some tips and tricks for using Jinja2 in networking automation, including variables, conditional statements, loops, filters, and macros. We’ve also provided code examples that demonstrate how to use these techniques in practice.

By using Jinja2 in your networking automation projects, you can save time and reduce errors by automating the generation of configuration files and other outputs. With the tips and tricks we’ve covered in this article, you can take your Jinja2 skills to the next level and create more advanced templates for your networking automation projects.


  1. What is Jinja2?

Jinja2 is a templating language for Python that allows you to generate text output based on templates.

  1. How is Jinja2 used in networking automation?

Jinja2 is used to generate configuration files for network devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls.

  1. What are some of the features of Jinja2?

Jinja2 provides powerful features such as variables, conditional statements, loops, filters, and macros.

  1. How can Jinja2 save time in networking automation projects?

By using Jinja2 to automate the generation of configuration files and other outputs, you can save time and reduce errors in your networking automation projects.

  1. Where can I learn more about Jinja2?

You can learn more about Jinja2 by reading the official documentation and by exploring code examples and tutorials online.


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