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What are the types of Nonlinear effects that happens in a DWDM link?

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These nonlinear interactions can be divided into three main categories:

 (1) Brillouin effect,

(2) Kerr effect, and

(3) Raman effect.

Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (Brillouin effect)

Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is an inelastic phenomenon resulting from the scattering of photon inside the optical fiber. The scattered photon is slightly frequency downshifted compared to the initial photon, the energy difference being transferred to an acoustic phonon.

When increasing the launch power, the optical fiber practically acts as a mirror whose reflectance coefficient increases. As a result, the corresponding fiber loss can significantly grow and the induced reflections can degrade the system performance.

When low power is injected into the fiber, only intrinsic Rayleigh back-reflections occur and the level of reflections is very low (around 32 dB). When high power is launched in the fiber, the backscattered power increases because of the stimulated Brillouin scattering

The SBS-related penalty can be minimized by keeping the per-channel power below the SBS threshold, which depends on the size of the optical fiber core and on the transmitter linewidth

Kerr Effect


In the case of a single-channel transmission, the refractive index of the waveguide is modulated by the fluctuations of the channel intensity via the Kerr effect. The amplitude of this phenomenon is increased by a high launch power and small effective area inside the optical fiber. This nonlinear effect can broaden the channel spectrum and therefore interplay with the chromatic dispersion, resulting in pulse distortion and broadening.

The Kerr effect is usually decomposed in three different contributions that are actually closely related. When a signal travels alone through the fiber, its modulated power induces a self-phase modulation (SPM). By contrast, the presence of several channels in a WDM transmission generates on each signal a cross-phase modulation. For the particular case of well-phase-matched WDM signals (i.e. moderate fiber chromatic dispersion), the Kerr effect produces four- wave mixing (FWM).

                 1. Self-Phase Modulation 

Light travels more slowly when the optical power is high, leading to a phase difference compared to light traveling at a low optical power. The result of the propagation of an amplitude-modulated signal is known as SPM.Self-phase modulation becomes significant as soon as the launch power is typically larger than 12 dBm.

                 2. Cross-Phase Modulation 

In the case of several high-power channels propagating simultaneously within the same fiber, the refractive index modulation experienced by one given channel is not only caused by the intensity modulation of this specific channel (SPM) but also by the intensity modulation brought by the copropagating channels. This cross-refractive index modulation is called cross-phase modulation (XPM) and can be described as a process through which the intensity fluctuations in a particular channel are converted to phase fluctuations in the other channels.

                 3. Four-Wave Mixing 

When several carriers at different wavelengths are launched into the fiber and are closed to be phase-matched, new waves can be generated by four-wave mixing via third-order intermodulation process. The optical frequencies of these FWM-generated waves are given by nijk= ni

+ nj -nk where ni ; nj , and nk are the frequencies of the launched initial channels (i.e., the signal channels). Four-wave mixing can transfer a fraction of the channel powers to the frequency of the other channels through the generation of FWM waves. FWM is considered the most dominant source of crosstalk in WDM systems .It becomes a major source of nonlinear crosstalk when- ever the channel spacing and fiber dispersion are small enough to satisfy the phase- matching condition approximately. For an N-channel system, i, j , and k can vary from 1 to N, resulting in a large combination of new frequencies generated by FWM. In the case of equally spaced channels, the new frequencies coincide with the existing frequencies, leading to coherent in-band crosstalk. When channels are not equally spaced, most FWM components fall in between the channels and lead to incoherent out-of-band crosstalk. In both cases, system performance is degraded because power transferred to each chan- nel through FWM acts as a noise source, but the coherent crosstalk degrades system performance much more severely.

Stimulated Raman Scattering 

Like SBS, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) is an inelastic phenomenon resulting from the scattering of an incoming photon inside the optical fiber. The scattered photon is frequency downshifted compared to the initial photon, the energy difference being transferred to an optical phonon. When several beams propagate through the fiber at different wavelengths, the maximum energy transfer occurs for a 13.2-THz separation between the channels .

Channel interaction due to Raman scattering is not maximal for channel spacing lower than 13.2 THz, which is the case for WDM systems; nevertheless, it can still be significant for high-power, wideband systems.


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