


Fiber Optics

Understanding the Basics
Nothing has changed the world of communications as much as the development and implementation of optical fiber. This article provides the basic principles needed to work with this technology.

Optical fibers are made from either glass or plastic. Most are roughly the diameter of a human hair, and they may be many miles long. Light is transmitted along the center of the fiber from one end to the other and a signal may be imposed. Fiber optic systems are superior to metallic conductors in many applications. Their greatest advantage is bandwidth. Because of the wavelength of light, it is possible to transmit a signal which contains considerably more information than is possible with a metallic conductor — even a coaxial conductor. Other advantages include:

• Electrical Isolation — Fiber optics do not need a grounding connection. Both the transmitter and the receiver are isolated from each other and are therefore free of ground loop problems. Also, there is no danger of sparks or electrical shock.

• Freedom from EMI — Fiber optics are immune to electromagnetic interference (EMI), and they emit no radiation themselves to cause other interference.

• Low Power Loss — This permits longer cable runs and fewer repeater amplifiers.

• Lighter and Smaller — Fiber weighs less and needs less space than metallic conductors with equivalent signal-carrying capacity.

Copper wire is about 13 times heavier. Fiber also is easier to install and requires less duct space.


Some of the major application areas of optical fibers are:

• Communications — Voice, data and video transmission are the most common uses of fiber optics, and these include:

– Telecommunications
– Local area networks (LANs)
– Industrial control systems
– Avionic systems
– Military command, control and communications systems

• Sensing — Fiber optics can be used to deliver light from a remote source to a detector to obtain pressure, temperature or spectral information. The fiber also can be used directly as a transducer to measure a number of environmental effects, such as strain, pressure, electrical resistance and pH. Environmental changes affect the light intensity, phase and/or polarization in ways that can be detected at the other end of the fiber.

• Power Delivery — Optical fibers can deliver remarkably high levels of power for such tasks as laser cutting, welding, marking and drilling.

• Illumination — A bundle of fibers gathered together with a light source at one end can illuminate areas that are difficult to reach — for example, inside the human body, in conjuction with an endoscope. Also, they can be used as a display sign or simply as decorative illumination.


An optical fiber consists of three basic concentric elements: the core, the cladding and the outer coating (Figure 1).


Figure 1. An optical fiber consists of a core, cladding and coating.

The core is usually made of glass or plastic, although other materials are sometimes used depending on transmission spectrum desired.

The core is the light transmitting portion of the fiber. The cladding usually is made of the same material as the core, but with a slightly lower index of refraction (usually about one percent lower). This index difference causes total internal reflection to occur at the index boundary along the length of the fiber so that the light is transmitted down the fiber and does not escape through the side walls.

The coating usually comprises one or more coats of a plastic material to protect the fiber from the physical environment. Sometimes metallic sheaths are added to the coating for further physical protection.

Optical fibers usually are specified by their size, given as the outer diameter of the core, cladding and coating. For example, a 62.5/125/250 would refer to a fiber with a 62.5-µm diameter core, a 125-µm diameter cladding and a 0.25-mm outer coating diameter.


Optical materials are characterized by their index of refraction, referred to as n. A material’s index of refraction is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in the material. When a beam of light passes from one material to another with a different index of refraction, the beam is bent (or refracted) at the interface (Figure 2).


Figure 2. A beam of light passing from one material to another of a different index of refraction is bent or refracted at the interface.

Refraction is described by Snell’s law:


where nI and nR are the indices of refraction of the materials through which the beam is refracted and I andR are the angles of incidence and refraction of the beam. If the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle for the interface (typically about 82° for optical fibers), the light is reflected back into the incident medium without loss by a process known as total internal reflection (Figure 3).


Figure 3. Total internal reflection allows light to remain inside the core of the fiber.


When light is guided down a fiber (as microwaves are guided down a waveguide), phase shifts occur at every reflective boundary. There is a finite discrete number of paths down the optical fiber (known as modes) that produce constructive (inphase and therefore additive) phase shifts that reinforce the transmission. Because each of these modes occurs at a different angle to the fiber axis as the beam travels along the length, each one travels a different length through the fiber from the input to the output. Only one mode, the zero-order mode, travels the length of the fiber without reflections from the sidewalls. This is known as a single-mode fiber. The actual number of modes that can be propagated in a given optical fiber is determined by the wavelength of light and the diameter and index of refraction of the core of the fiber.


Signals lose strength as they are propagated through the fiber: this is known as beam attenuation. Attenuation is measured in decibels (dB) with the relation:


where Pin and Pout refer to the optical power going into and coming out of the fiber. The table below shows the power typically lost in a fiber for several values of attenuation in decibels.

Sidebar1.gifThe attenuation of an optical fiber is wavelength dependent. At the extremes of the transmission curve, multiphoton absorption predominates. Attenuation is usually expressed in dB/km at a specific wavelength. Typical values range from 10 dB/km for step-index fibers at 850 nm to a few tenths of a dB/km for single-mode fibers at 1550 nm.

There are several causes of attenuation in an optical fiber:

• Rayleigh Scattering — Microscopic-scale variations in the index of refraction of the core material can cause considerable scatter in the beam, leading to substantial losses of optical power. Rayleigh scattering is wavelength dependent and is less significant at longer wavelengths. This is the most important loss mechanism in modern optical fibers, generally accounting for up to 90 percent of any loss that is experienced.

• Absorption — Current manufacturing methods have reduced absorption caused by impurities (most notably water in the fiber) to very low levels. Within the bandpass of transmission of the fiber, absorption losses are insignificant.


Figure 4. Numerical aperture depends on the angle at which rays enter the fiber and the diameter of the fiber’s core.

• Bending — Manufacturing methods can produce minute bends in the fiber geometry. Sometimes these bends will be great enough to cause the light within the core to hit the core/cladding interface at less than the critical angle so that light is lost into the cladding material. This also can occur when the fiber is bent in a tight radius (less than, say, a few centimeters). Bend sensitivity is usually expressed in terms of dB/km loss for a particular bend radius and wavelength.

Numerical aperture

Numerical aperture (NA), shown in Figure 4, is the measure of maximum angle at which light rays will enter and be conducted down the fiber. This is represented by the following equation:



As the optical pulses travel the length of the fiber, they are broadened or lengthened in time. This is called dispersion. Because the pulses eventually will become so out of step that they begin to overlap each other and corrupt the data, dispersion sets an upper limit on the data-carrying capabilities of a fiber. There are three principal causes for this broadening:

• Chromatic Dispersion — Different wavelengths travel at different velocities down the fiber. Because typical light sources provide power over a series or range of wavelengths, rather than from a single discrete spectral line, the pulses must spread out along the length of the fiber as they proceed. The high-speed lasers used in communications have very narrow spectral output specifications, greatly reducing the effect of chromatic dispersion.

• Modal Dispersion — Different fiber modes reflect at different angles as they proceed down the fiber. Because each modal angle produces a somewhat different path length for the beam, the higher order modes reach the output end of the fiber behind the lower order modes. • Waveguide Dispersion — This minor cause for dispersion is due to the geometry of the fiber and results in different propagation velocities for each of the modes.


Bandwidth measures the data-carrying capacity of an optical fiber and is expressed as the product of the data frequency and the distance traveled (MHz-km or GHz-km typically). For example, a fiber with a 400-MHz-km bandwidth can transmit 400 MHz for a distance of 1 km or it can transmit 20 MHz of data for 20 km. The primary limit on bandwidth is pulse broadening, which results from modal and chromatic dispersion of the fiber. Typical values for different types of fiber follow:

Sidebar2.gifPower transmission

The amount of power that a fiber can transmit (without being damaged) is usually expressed in terms of the maximum acceptable power density. Power density is the product of the maximum power output of the laser and the area of the laser beam. For example, a 15-W laser beam focused onto a 150-µm diameter spot produces a power density of


The output of a pulsed laser (typically specified in millijoules of energy per pulse) must first be converted to power per pulse. For example, a pulsed laser that produces 50 mJ in a 10-ns pulse provides an output power of


The power density then can be calculated from the spot size.

To transmit the absolute maximum energy levels down a fiber, the fiber end faces must be absolutely smooth and polished and be perpendicular to the fiber axis and the light beam. Also, the beam diameter should be no greater than approximately one-half of the area of the core (or the diameter of the core). If the beam is not appropriately focused, some of the energy may spill into the cladding, which quickly can damage polymer-clad silica fibers. For this reason it is better to use silica-clad silica fibers in higher power density applications.

Fiber types

There are basically three types of optical fiber: single-mode, multimode graded-index and multimode step-index. They are characterized by the way light travels down the fiber and depend on both the wavelength of the light and the mechanical geometry of the fiber. Examples of how they propagate light are shown in Figure 5.


Only the fundamental zero-order mode is transmitted in a single-mode fiber. The light beam travels straight through the fiber with no reflections from the core-cladding sidewalls at all. Single-mode fiber is characterized by the wavelength cut-off value, which is dependent on core diameter, NA and wavelength of operation. Below the cut-off wavelength, higher order modes may also propagate, which changes the fiber’s characteristics.


Figure 5. Modes of fiber transmission.

Because the single-mode fiber propagates only the fundamental mode, modal dispersion (the primary cause of pulse overlap) is eliminated. Thus, the bandwidth is much higher with a single-mode fiber than that of a multimode fiber. This simply means that pulses can be transmitted much closer together in time without overlap. Because of this higher bandwidth, single-mode fibers are used in all modern long-range communication systems. Typical core diameters are between 5 and 10 µm.

The actual number of modes that can be propagated through a fiber depends on the core diameter, the numerical aperture, and the wavelength of the light being transmitted. These may be combined into the normalized frequency parameter or V number,


where a is the core radius, λ is the wavelength and n is the index of the core and the cladding. The condition for single-mode operation is that


Perhaps more important and useful is the cut-off wavelength. This is the wavelength below which the fiber will allow propagation of multiple modes and can be expressed as:


A fiber is typically chosen with a cut-off wavelength slightly below the desired operating wavelength. For lasers typically used as sources (with output wavelengths between 850 and 1550 nm) the core diameter of a single-mode fiber is in the range of 3 to 10 µm.

Multimode graded-index

The core diameters of multimode fibers are much larger than single-mode fibers. As a result, higher order modes also are propagated.

The core in a graded-index fiber has an index of refraction that radially decreases continuously from the center to the cladding interface. As a result, the light travels faster at the edge of the core than in the center. Different modes travel in curved paths with nearly equal travel times. This greatly reduces modal dispersion in the fiber.

As a result, graded-index fibers have bandwidths which are significantly greater than step-index fibers, but still much lower than single-mode fibers. Typical core diameters of graded-index fibers are 50, 62.5 and 100 µm. The main application for graded-index fibers is in medium-range communications, such as local area networks.

Multimode step-index

The core of a step-index fiber has a uniform index of refraction right up to the cladding interface where the index changes in a step-like fashion. Because different modes in a step-index fiber travel different path lengths in their journey through the fiber, data transmission distances must be kept short to avoid considerable modal dispersion problems.

Step-index fibers are available with core diameters of 100 to 1500 µm. They are well suited to applications requiring high power densities, such as medical and industrial laser power delivery.

The OSI, or Open System Interconnection, model defines a networking framework for implementing protocols in seven layers. Control is passed from one layer to the next, starting at the application layer in one station, proceeding to the bottom layer, over the channel to the next station and back up the hierarchy.
Easy Way to Remember the OSI 7 Layer Model

Application(Layer 7) This layer supports application and end-user processes. Communication partners are identified, quality of service is identified, user authentication and privacy are considered, and any constraints on data syntax are identified. Everything at this layer is application-specific. This layer provides application services for file transfers, e-mail, and other network software services.

Presentation(Layer 6) This layer provides independence from differences in data representation (e.g., encryption) by translating from application to network format, and vice versa. This layer formats and encrypts data to be sent across a network, providing freedom from compatibility problems. It is sometimes called the syntax layer.

Session(Layer 5) This layer establishes, manages and terminates connections between applications. The session layer sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations, exchanges, and dialogues between the applications at each end. It deals with session and connection coordination.

Transport(Layer 4) This layer provides transparent transfer of data between end systems, or hosts, and is responsible for end-to-end error recovery and flow control. It ensures complete data transfer.

Network(Layer 3) This layer provides switching and routing technologies, creating logical paths, known as virtual circuits, for transmitting data from node to node. Routing and forwarding are functions of this layer, as well as addressing, internetworking, error handling, congestion control and packet sequencing.

Data Link(Layer 2) At this layer, data packets are encoded and decoded into bits. It furnishes transmission protocol knowledge and management and handles errors in the physical layer, flow control and frame synchronization. The data link layer is divided into two sublayers: The Media Access Control (MAC) layer and the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. The MAC sublayer controls how a computer on the network gains access to the data and permission to transmit it. The LLC layer controls frame synchronization, flow control and error checking.

Physical(Layer 1) This layer conveys the bit stream – electrical impulse, light or radio signal — through the network at the electrical and mechanical level. It provides the hardware means of sending and receiving data on a carrier, including defining cables, cards and physical aspects.

OSI Layer Model for concentrators

Hubs/Repeaters are found in the Physical Layer

Switches /Bridges/Wireless Access Point are found in the Data Link Layer

Routers are found in the Network Layer

Gateway are found in All 7 of the OSI Layers

Brouter are found in both the Data Link and Network Layer 

OSI OSI 7 Layer Model
7. Application Layer – DHCP, DNS, FTP, HTTP, IMAP4, NNTP, POP3, SMTP, SNMP, SSH, TELNET and NTPmore)
6. Presentation layer – SSL, WEP, WPA, Kerberos,
5. Session layer – Logical Ports 21, 22, 23, 80 etc…
4. Transport – TCP, SPX and UDPmore)
3. Network – IPv4, IPV6, IPX, OSPF, ICMP, IGMP and ARPMP
2. Data Link- 802.11 (WLAN), Wi-Fi, WiMAX, ATM, Ethernet, Token Ring, Frame Relay, PPTP, L2TP and ISDNore)
1. Physical-Hubs, Repeaters, Cables, Optical Fiber, SONET/SDN,Coaxial Cable, Twisted Pair Cable and Connectors (more)


Unix File Names

It is important to understand the rules for creating Unix files:
  • Unix is case sensitive! For example, “fileName” is different from “filename”.
  • It is recommended that you limit names to the alphabetic characters, numbers, underscore (_), and dot (.). Dots (.) used in Unix filenames are simply characters and not delimiters between filename components; you may include more than one dot in a filename. Including a dot as the first character of a filename makes the file invisible (hidden) to the normal ls command; use the -a flag of the ls command to display hidden files.
  • Although many systems will allow more, a safe length is 14 characters per file name.
Unix shells typically include several important wildcard characters. The asterisk (*) is used to match 0 or more character (e.g., abc* will match any file beginning with the letters abc), the question mark (?) is used to match any single character, and the left ([) and right (]) square brackets are used to enclose a string of characters, any one of which is to match. Execute the following commands and observe the results:
  ls m*
  ls *.f
  ls *.?
  ls [a-d]*
Notes for PC users: Unix uses forward slashes ( / ) instead of backslashes ( \ ) for directories

Looking at the Contents of Files

You can examine the contents of files using a variety of commands. catmorepghead, and tail are described here. Of course, you can always use an editor; to use vi in “read-only” mode to examine the contents of the file “argtest”, enter:
  vi  -R   argtest
You can now use the standard vi commands to move through the file; however, you will not be able to make any changes to the contents of the file. This option is useful when you simply want to look at a file and want to guarantee that you make no changes while doing so.
Use the vi “”” command to exit from the file.

cat Command

cat is a utility used to conCATenate files. Thus it can be used to join files together, but it is perhaps more commonly used to display the contents of a file on the screen.
Observe the output produced by each of the following commands:
  cd;    cd  xmp
  cat        cars
  cat  -vet  cars
  cat  -n    cars
The semicolon (;) in the first line of this example is a command separator which enables entry of more than one command on a line. When the <Return> key is pressed following this line, the command cd is issued which changes to your home directory. Then the command “cd xmp” is issued to change into the subdirectory “xmp.” Entering this line is equivalent to having entered these commands sequentially on separate lines. These two commands are included in the example to guarantee that you are in the subdirectory containing “cars” and the other example files. You need not enter these commands if you are already in the “xmp” directory created when you copied the example files (see Sample Files if you have not already copied these files).
The “-vet” options enable display of tab, end-of-line, and other non-printable characters within a file; the “-n” option numbers each line as it is displayed.
You can also use the cat command to join files together:
  cat  page1
  cat  page2
  cat  page1  page2 > document
  cat  document
Note: If the file “document” had previously existed, it will be replaced by the contents of files “page1” and “page2”.

Cautions in using the cat command

The cat command should only be used with “text” files; it should not be used to display the contents of binary (e.g., compiled C or FORTRAN programs). Unpredictable results may occur, including the termination of your logon session, when the cat command is used on binary files. Use the command “file *” to display the characteristics of files within a directory prior to using the cat command with any unknown file. You can use the od (enter “man od” for details on use of Octal Dump) command to display the contents of non-text files. For example, to display the contents of “a.out” in both hexadecimal and character representation, enter:
  od  -xc  a.out
Warning! cat (and other Unix commands) can destroy files if not used correctly. For example, as illustrated in the Sobell book, the cat (also cp and mv) command can overwrite and thus destroy files. Observe the results of the following command:
  cat  letter page1 >  letter

Typically Unix does not return a message when a command executes successfully. Here the Unix operating system will attempt to complete the requested command by first initializing the file “letter” and then writing the current contents of “letter” (now nothing) and “page1” into this file. Since “letter” has been reinitialized and is also named as a source file, an error diagnostic is generated. Part of the Unix philosophy is “No news is good news”. Thus the appearance of a message is a warning that the command was not completed successfully.

Now use the “cat” command to individually examine the contents of the files “letter” and “page1”. Observe that the file “letter” does not contain the original contents of the files “letter” and “page1” as was intended.
Use the following command to restore the original file “letter”:
  cp  ~aixstu00/xmp/letter  .

more Command

You may type or browse files using the more command. The “more” command is useful when examining a large file as it displays the file contents one page at a time, allowing each page to be examined at will. As with the man command, you must press the space bar to proceed to the next screen of the file. On many systems, pressing the <b> key will enable you to page backwards in the file. To terminate more at any time, press <q>.
To examine a file with the more command, simply enter:
  more  file_name

See the online manual pages for additional information.

The man command uses the more command to display the manual pages; thus the commands you are familiar with in using man will also work with more.
Not all Unix systems include the more command; some implement the pg command instead. VTAIX includes both the more and pg commands. When using the pgcommand, press <Return> to page down through a file instead of using the space bar.
Observe the results of entering the following commands:
  more  argtest
  pg    argtest

head Command

The head command is used to display the first few lines of a file. This command can be useful when you wish to look for specific information which would be found at the beginning of a file. For example, enter:
  head  argtest

tail Command

The tail command is used to display the last lines of a file. This command can be useful to monitor the status of a program which appends output to the end of a file. For example, enter:
  tail  argtest

Copying, Erasing, Renaming

Warning! The typical Unix operating system provides no ‘unerase’ or ‘undelete’ command. If you mistakenly delete a file you are dependent upon the backups you or the system administrator has maintained in order to recover the file. You need to be careful when using commands like copy and move which may result in overwriting existing files. If you are using the C or Korn Shell, you can create a command alias which will prompt you for verification before overwriting files with these commands.

Copying Files

The cp command is used to copy a file or group of files. You have already seen an example application of the cp command when you copied the sample files to your userid (see Sample Files). Now let’s make a copy of one of these files. Recall that you can obtain a listing of the files in the current directory using the lscommand. Observe the results of the following commands:
  ls  l*
  cp  letter  letter.2
  ls  l*
Note: Unlike many other operating systems, such as PC/DOS, you must specify the target with the copy command; it does not assume the current directory if no “copy-to” target is specified.

Erasing Files

Unix uses the command rm (ReMove) to delete unwanted files. To remove the file “letter.2” which we have just created, enter:
  rm  letter.2

Enter the command “ls l*” to display a list of all files beginning with the letter “l”. Note that letter.2 is no longer present in the current directory.

The remove command can be used with wildcards in filenames; however, this can be dangerous as you might end up erasing files you had wanted to keep. It is recommended that you use the “-i” (interactive) option of rm for wildcard deletes — you will then be prompted to respond with a “y” or “Y” for each file you wish to delete.

Renaming a File

The typical Unix operating system utilities do not include a rename command; however, we can use the mv (MoVe) command (see for additional uses of this command) to “move” Working with Directories) a file from one name to another. Observe the results of the following commands:
  ls  [d,l]*
  mv  letter  document
  ls  [d,l]*
  mv  document letter
  ls  [d,l]*
Note: The first mv command overwrites the file “document” which you had created in an earlier exercise by concatenating “page1” and “page2”. No warning is issued when the mv command is used to move a file into the name of an existing file. If you would like to be prompted for confirmation if the mv command were to overwrite an existing file, use the “-i” (interactive) option of the mv command, e.g.:
  mv  -i  page1  letter
You will now be told that the file “letter” already exists and you will be asked if you wish to proceed with the mv command. Answer anything but “y” or “Y” and the file “letter” will not be overwritten. See Command Alias Applications for information on creating an alias for mv which incorporates the “-i” option to prevent accidental overwrites when renaming files.

Using the Command Line

The command interpreter (shell) provides the mechanism by which input commands are interpreted and passed to the Unix kernel or other programs for processing. Observe the results of entering the following “commands”:
  ls -F

Observe that “filesize” is an executable shell script which displays the size of files. Also note that “./hobbit” and “./add2” generate error diagnostics as there is no command or file with the name “hobbit” and the file “add2” lacks execute permission.

Standard Input and Standard Output

As you have seen previously, Unix expects standard input to come from the keyboard, e.g., enter:
Standard output is typically displayed on the terminal screen, e.g., enter:
  cat cars
Standard error (a listing of program execution error diagnostics) is typically displayed on the terminal screen, e.g., enter:
  ls xyzpqrz


As illustrated above, many Unix commands read from standard input (typically the keyboard) and write to standard output (typically the terminal screen). The redirection operators enable you to read input from a file (<) or write program output to a file (>). When output is redirected to a file, the program output replaces the original contents of the file if it had previously existed; to add program output to the end of an existing file, use the append redirection operator (>>).
Observe the results of the following command:
You will be prompted to enter a Fahrenheit temperature. After entering a numeric value, a message will be displayed on the screen informing you of the equivalent Centigrade temperature. In this example, you entered a numeric value as standard input via the keyboard and the output of the program was displayed on the terminal screen.
In the next example, you will read data from a file and have the result displayed on the screen (standard output):
  ./a.out  <

Now you will read from standard input (keyboard) and write to a file:

  ./a.out  >  data.two
  cat  data.two

Now read from standard input and append the result to the existing file:

 ./a.out  <  >>  data.two
As another example of redirection, observe the result of the following two commands:
  ls  -la  /etc  >  temp
  more  temp

Here we have redirected the output of the ls command to the file “temp” and then used the more command to display the contents of this file a page at a time. In the next section, we will see how the use of pipes could simply this operation.

Additional exercises illustrating the use of redirection are included in Using the C Programming Language and Review of Redirection.

Using Pipes and Filters

A filter is a Unix program which accepts input from standard input and places its output in standard output. Filters add power to the Unix system as programs can be written to use the output of another program as input and create output which can be used by yet another program. A pipe (indicated by the symbol “|” — vertical bar) is used between Unix commands to indicate that the output from the first is to be used as input by the second. Compare the output from the following two commands:
  ls -la /etc
  ls -la /etc | more
The first command above results in a display of all the files in the in the “/etc” directory in long format. It is difficult to make use of this information since it scrolls rapidly across the screen. In the second line, the result of the ls command are piped into the more command. We can now examine this information one screen at a time and can even back up to a prior screen of information if we wished to do so. As you became more familiar with Unix, you will find that piping output to themore command will be very useful in a variety of applications.

The sort command can be used to sort the lines in a file in a desired order. Now enter the following commands and observe the results:
  sort cars
  who  |  sort
The who command displays a listing of logged on users and the sort command enables us to sort information. The second command sorts the lines in the file cars alphabetically by first field and displays the result in standard output. The third command illustrates how the result of the who command can be passed to the sort command prior to being displayed. The result is a listing of logged on users in alphabetical order.
The following example uses the “awk” and “sort” commands to select and reorganize the output generated by the “ls” command:
  ls -l | awk '/:/ {print $5,$9}' | sort -nr
Note: Curly braces do not necessarily display correctly on all output devices. In the above example, there should be a left curly brace in front of the word print and a right curly brace following the number 9.
Observe that the output displays the filesize and filename in decreasing order of size. Here the ls command first generates a “long” listing of the files in the current directory which is piped to the “awk” utility, whose output is in turn piped to the “sort” command.
“awk” is a powerful utility which processes one or more program lines to find patterns within a file and perform selective actions based on what is found. Slash (/) characters are used as delimiters around the pattern which is to be matched and the action to be taken is enclosed in curly braces. If no pattern is specified, all lines in the file are processed and if no action is specified, all lines matching the specified pattern are output. Since a colon (:) is used here, all lines containing file information (the time column corresponding to each file contains a colon) are selected and the information contained in the 5th and 9th columns are output to the sort command.
Note: If the ls command on your system does not include a column listing group membership, use {print $4,$8} instead of the “print” command option of awk listed above.
Here the “sort” command options “-nr” specify that the output from “awk” is to be sorted in reverse numeric order, i.e., from largest to smallest.
For additional information on the “awk” and “sort” commands, see the online man pages or the References included as part of this documentation; the appendix of the Sobell book includes an overview of the “awk” command and several pages of examples illustrating its use.
The preceding command is somewhat complex and it is easy to make a mistake in entering it. If this were a command we would like to use frequently, we could include it in a shell scripts as has been in sample file “filesize”. To use this shell script, simply enter the command:
  sh  filesize

If you examine the contents of this file with the cat or vi commands, you will see that it contains nothing more the piping of the ls command to awk and then piping the output to sort.

The tee utility is used to send output to a file at the same time it is displayed on the screen:
  who | tee who.out | sort 
  cat who.out
Here you should have observed that a list of logged on users was displayed on the screen in alphabetical order and that the file “who.out” contained an unsorted listing of the same userids.

Some Additional File Handling Commands

Word Count

The command wc displays the number of lines, words, and characters in a file.
To display the number of lines, words, and characters in the file file_name, enter: wc file_name

Comparing the Contents of Two Files: the cmp and diff Commands

The cmp and diff commands are used to compare files; the “comp” command is not used to compare files, but to “compose a message”.
The cmp command can be used for both binary and text files. It indicates the location (byte and line) where the first difference between the two files appears.
The diff command can be used to compare text files and its output shows the lines which are different in the two files: a less than sign (“<“) appears in front of lines from the first file which differ from those in the second file, a greater than symbol (“>”) precedes lines from the second file. Matching lines are not displayed.
Observe the results of the following commands:
  cmp   page1  page2
  diff  page1  page2

Lines 1 and 2 of these two files are identical, lines 3 differ by one character, and page one contains a blank line following line three, while page2 does not.

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Learn the advanced features of SONET and SDH; specifically, the different ways of concatenating SONET and SDH signals, different techniques for mapping packet data onto SONET and SDH connections, transparency services for carrier’s carrier applications, and fault management and performance monitoring capabilities.

This section is procured from chapter 3 of  Optical Network Control: Architecture, Protocols, and Standards

  • 3.2.1 Standard Contiguous Concatenation in SONET and SDH
  • 3.2.2 Arbitrary Concatenation
  • 3.2.3 Virtual Concatenation
  • Higher-Order Virtual Concatenation (HOVC)
  • Lower-Order Virtual Concatenation (LOVC)
  • 3.4.1 IP over ATM over SONET
  • 3.4.2 Packet over SONET/SDH
  • 3.4.3 Generic Framing Procedure (GFP)
  • GFP Frame Structure
  • GFP Functions
  • 3.4.4 Ethernet over SONET/SDH
  • 3.5.1 Methods for Overhead Transparency
  • 3.5.2 Transparency Service Packages
  • 3.6.1 Transport Problems and Their Detection
  • Continuity Supervision
  • Connectivity Supervision
  • Signal Quality Supervision
  • Alignment Monitoring
  • 3.6.2 Problem Localization and Signal Maintenance
  • Alarm Indication Signals
  • Remote Defect Indication
  • 3.6.3 Quality Monitoring
  • Blips and BIPs
  • 3.6.4 Remote Error Monitoring
  • 3.6.5 Performance Measures
  • 3.7 SUMMARY

3.1 Introduction

In the previous chapter, we described TDM and how it has been utilized in SONET and SDH standards. We noted that when SONET and SDH were developed, they were optimized for carrying voice traffic. At that time no one anticipated the tremendous growth in data traffic that would arise due to the Internet phenomenon. Today, the volume of data traffic has surpassed voice traffic in most networks, and it is still growing at a steady pace. In order to handle data traffic efficiently, a number of new features have been added to SONET and SDH.

In this chapter, we review some of the advanced features of SONET and SDH. Specifically, we describe the different ways of concatenating SONET and SDH signals, and different techniques for mapping packet data onto SONET and SDH connections. We also address transparency services for carrier’s carrier applications, as well as fault management and performance monitoring capabilities. The subject matter covered in this chapter will be used as a reference when we discuss optical control plane issues in later chapters. A rigorous understanding of this material, however, is not a prerequisite for dealing with the control plane topics.

3.2 All about Concatenation

Three types of concatenation schemes are possible under SONET and SDH. These are:

  • Standard contiguous concatenation
  • Arbitrary contiguous concatenation
  • Virtual concatenation

These concatenation schemes are described in detail next.

3.2.1 Standard Contiguous Concatenation in SONET and SDH

SONET and SDH networks support contiguous concatenation whereby a few standardized “concatenated” signals are defined, and each concatenated signal is transported as a single entity across the network [ANSI95a, ITU-T00a]. This was described briefly in the previous chapter.

The concatenated signals are obtained by “gluing” together the payloads of the constituent signals, and they come in fixed sizes. In SONET, these are called STS-Nc Synchronous Payload Envelopes (SPEs), where N = 3X and X is restricted to the values 1, 4, 16, 64, or 256. In SDH, these are called VC-4 (equivalent to STS-3c SPE), and VC-4-Xc where X is restricted to 1, 4, 16, 64, or 256.

The multiplexing procedures for SONET (SDH) introduce additional constraints on the location of component STS-1 SPEs (VC-4s) that comprise the STS-Nc SPE (VC-4-Xc). The rules for the placement of standard concatenated signals are [ANSI95a]:

  1. Concatenation of three STS-1s within an STS-3c: The bytes from concatenated STS-1s shall be contiguous at the STS-3 level but shall not be contiguous when interleaved to higher-level signals. When STS-3c signals are multiplexed to a higher rate, each STS-3c shall be wholly contained within an STS-3 (i.e., occur only on tributary input boundaries 1–3, 4–6, 7–9, etc.). This rule does not apply to SDH.
  2. Concatenation of STS-1s within an STS-Nc (N = 3X, where X = 1, 4, 16, 64, or 256). Such concatenation shall treat STS-Nc signals as a single entity. The bytes from concatenated STS-1s shall be contiguous at the STS-N level, but shall not be contiguous when multiplexed on to higher-level signals. This also applies to SDH, where the SDH term for an STS-Nc is an AU-4-Xc where X = N/3.
  3. When the STS-Nc signals are multiplexed to a higher rate, these signals shall be wholly contained within STS-M boundaries, where M could be 3, 12, 48, 192, or 768, and its value must be the closest to, but greater than or equal to N (e.g., if N = 12, then the STS-12c must occur only on boundaries 1–12, 13–24, 25–36, etc.). In addition to being contained within STS-M boundaries, all STS-Nc signals must begin on STS-3 boundaries.

The primary purpose of these rules is to ease the development burden for hardware designers, but they can seriously affect the bandwidth efficiency of SONET/SDH links.

In Figure 3-1(a), an STM-16 (OC-48) signal is represented as a set of 16 time slots, each of which can contain a VC-4 (STS-3c SPE). Let us examine the placement of VC-4 and VC-4-4c (STS-3c and STS-12c SPE) signals into this structure, in line with the rules above. In particular a VC-4-4c (STS-12c SPE) must start on boundaries of 4. Figure 3-1(b) depicts how the STM-16 has been filled with two VC-4-4c (STS-12c) and seven VC-4 signals. In Figure 3-1(c), three of the VC-4s have been removed, that is, are no longer in use. Due to the placement restrictions, however, a VC 4-4c cannot be accommodated in this space. In Figure 3-1(d), the STM-16 has been “regroomed,” that is, VC-4 #5 and VC-4 #7 have been moved to new timeslots. Figure 3-1(e) shows how the third VC-4-4c is accommodated.

Figure 3-1. Timeslot Constraints and Regrooming with Contiguous (Standard) Concatenation

3.2.2 Arbitrary Concatenation

In the above example, a “regrooming” operation was performed to make room for a signal that could not be accommodated with the standard contiguous concatenation rules. The problem with regrooming is that it is service impacting, that is, service is lost while the regrooming operation is in progress. Because service impacts are extremely undesirable, regrooming is not frequently done, and the bandwidth is not utilized efficiently.

To get around these restrictions, some manufacturers of framers, that is, the hardware that processes the SDH multiplex section layer (SONET line layer), offer a capability known as “flexible” or arbitrary concatenation. With this capability, there are no restrictions on the size of an STS-Nc (VC-4-Xc) or the starting time slot used by the concatenated signal. Also, there are no constraints on adjacencies of the STS-1 (VC-4-Xc) time slots used to carry it, that is, the signals can use any combination of available time slots. Figure 3-2 depicts how the sequence of signals carried over the STM-16 of Figure 3-1 can be accommodated without any regrooming, when the arbitrary concatenation capability is available.

Figure 3-2. Timeslot Usage with Arbitrary Concatenation

3.2.3 Virtual Concatenation

As we saw earlier, arbitrary concatenation overcomes the bandwidth inefficiencies of standard contiguous concatenation by removing the restrictions on the number of components and their placement within a larger concatenated signal. Standard and arbitrary contiguous concatenation are services offered by the network, that is, the network equipment must support these capabilities. The ITU-T and the ANSI T1 committee have standardized an alternative, called virtual concatenation. With virtual concatenation, SONET and SDH PTEs can “glue” together the VCs or SPEs of separately transported fundamental signals. This is in contrast to requiring the network to carry signals as a single concatenated unit. HIGHER-ORDER VIRTUAL CONCATENATION (HOVC)

HOVC is realized under SONET and SDH by the PTEs, which combine either multiple STS-1/STS-3c SPEs (SONET), or VC-3/VC-4 (SDH). Recall that the VC-3 and STS-1 SPE signals are nearly identical except that a VC-3 does not contain the fixed stuff bytes found in columns 30 and 59 of an STS-1 SPE. A SONET STS-3c SPE is equivalent to a SDH VC-4.

These component signals, VC-3s or VC-4s (STS-1 SPEs or STS-3c SPEs), are transported separately through the network to an end system and must be reassembled. Since these signals can take different paths through the network, they may experience different propagation delays. In addition to this fixed differential delay between the component signals, there can also be a variable delay component that arises due to the different types of equipment processing the signals and the dynamics of the fiber itself. Note that heating and cooling effects can affect the propagation speed of light in a fiber, leading to actual measurable differences in propagation delay.

The process of mapping a concatenated container signal, that is, the raw data to be transported, into a virtually concatenated signal is shown in Figure 3-3. Specifically, at the transmitting side, the payload gets packed in X VC-4s just as if these were going to be contiguously concatenated. Now the question is, How do we identify the component signals and line them up appropriately given that delays for the components could be different?

Figure 3-3. Mapping a Higher Rate Payload in a Virtually Concatenated Signal (from [ITU-T00a])

The method used to align the components is based on the multiframe techniques described in Chapter 2. A jumbo (very long) multiframe is created by overloading the multiframe byte H4 in the path overhead. Bits 5–8 of the H4 byte are incremented in each 125µs frame to produce a multiframe consisting of 16 frames. In this case, bits 5–8 of H4 are known as the multiframe indicator 1 (MFI1). This multiframe will form the first stage of a two-stage multiframe. In particular, bits 1–4 of the H4 byte are used in a way that depends on the position in the first stage of the multiframe. This is shown in Table 3-1.

Within the 16-frame first stage multiframe, a second stage multiframe indicator (MFI2) is defined utilizing bits 1–4 of H4 in frames 0 and 1, giving a total of 8 bits per frame. It is instructive to examine the following:

  1. How long in terms of the number of 125µs frames is the complete HOVC multiframe structure? Answer: The base frame (MFI1) is 16 frames long, and the second stage is 28 = 256 frames long. Since this is a two-stage process, the lengths multiply giving a multiframe that is 16 × 256 = 4096 frames long.
  2. What is the longest differential delay, that is, delay between components that can be compensated? Answer: The differential delay must be within the duration of the overall multiframe structure, that is, 125µS × 4096 = 512mS, that is, a little over half a second.
  3. Suppose that an STS-1-2v is set up for carrying Ethernet traffic between San Francisco and New York such that one STS-1 goes via a satellite link and the other via conventional terrestrial fiber. Will this work? Answer: Assuming that a geo-synchronous satellite is used, then the satellite’s altitude would be about 35775 km. Given that the speed of light is 2.99792 × 108 m/sec, this leads to a round trip delay of about 239 ms. If the delay for the fiber route is 20 ms, then the differential delay is 209 ms, which is within the virtual concatenation range. Also, since the average circumference of the earth is only 40,000 km, this frame length should be adequate for the longest fiber routes.

Table 3-1. Use of Bits 1–4 in H4 Byte for First Stage Multiframe Indication (MFI1)


Multi-Frame Indicator 1 (MFI1) Meaning of Bits 1–4 in H4
0 2nd multiframe indicator MFI2 MSB (bits 1–4)
1 2nd multiframe indicator MFI2 LSB (bits 5–8)
2–13 Reserved (0000)
14 Sequence indicator SQ MSB (bits 1–4)
15 Sequence indicator SQ LSB (bits 5–8)


Now, the receiver must be able to distinguish the different components of a virtually concatenated signal. This is accomplished as follows. In frames 14 and 15 of the first stage multiframe, bits 1–4 of H4 are used to give a sequence indicator (SQ). This is used to indicate the components (and not the position in the multiframe). Due to this 8-bit sequence indicator, up to 256 components can be accommodated in HOVC. Note that it is the receiver’s job to compensate for the differential delay and to put the pieces back together in the proper order. The details of how this is done are dependent on the specific implementation. LOWER-ORDER VIRTUAL CONCATENATION (LOVC)

The virtual concatenation of lower-order signals such as VT1.5s (VC-11), VT2 (VC-12), and so on are based on the same principles as described earlier. That is, a sequence number is needed to label the various components that make up the virtually concatenated signal, and a large multiframe structure is required for differential delay compensation. In the lower-order case, however, there are fewer overhead bits and bytes to spare so the implementation may seem a bit complex. Let us therefore start with the capabilities obtained.

LOVC Capabilities and Limitations

Table 3-2 lists the LOVC signals for SONET/SDH, the signals they can be contained in and the limits on the number of components that can be concatenated. The last two columns are really the most interesting since they show the range of capacities and the incremental steps of bandwidth.

LOVC Implementation

Let us first examine how the differential delay compensating multiframe is put together. This is done in three stages. Recall that the SONET VT overhead (lower-order SDH VC overhead) is defined in a 500 µs multiframe, as indicated in the path layer multiframe indicator H4. This makes available the four VT overhead bytes V5, J2, Z6, and Z7, from one SONET/SDH frame byte. Since a number of bits in these bytes are used for other purposes, an additional second stage of multiframe structure is used to define extended VT signal labels.

This works as follows (note that SDH calls the Z7 byte as K4 but uses it the same way): First of all, the V5 byte indicates if the extended signal label is being used. Bits 5 through 7 of V5 provide a VT signal label. The signal label value of 101 indicates that a VT mapping is given by the extended signal label in the Z7 byte. If this is the case, then a 1-bit frame alignment signal “0111 1111 110” is sent in bit 1 of Z7, called the extended signal label bit. The length of this second stage VT level multiframe (which is inside the 500 µs VT multiframe) is 32 frames. The extended signal label is contained in bits 12–19 of the multiframe. Multiframe position 20 contains “0.” The remaining 12 bits are reserved for future standardization.

Table 3-2. Standardized LOVC Combinations and Limits


Signal SONET/SDH Carried in SONET/SDH X Capacity (kbit/s) In steps of (kbit/s)
VT1.5-XSPE/VC-11-Xv STS-1/VC-3 1 to 28 1600 to 44800 1600
VT2-XSPE/VC-12-Xv STS-1/VC-3 1 to 21 2176 to 45696 2176
VT3-XSPE STS-1 1 to 14 3328 to 46592 3328
VT6-XSPE/VC-2-Xv STS-1/VC-3 1 to 7 6784 to 47448 6784
VT1.5/VC-11-Xv STS-3c 1 to 64 1600 to 102400 1600
VT2/VC-12-Xv STS-3c 1 to 63 2176 to 137088 2176
VT3-XSPE STS-3c 1 to 42 3328 to 139776 3328
VT6-XSPE/VC-2-Xv STS-3c 1 to 21 6784 to 142464 6784
VT1.5/VC-11-Xv unspecified 1 to 64 1600 to 102400 1600
VT2/VC-12-Xv unspecified 1 to 64 2176 to 139264 2176
VT3-XSPE unspecified 1 to 64 3328 to 212992 3328
VT6-XSPE unspecified 1 to 64 6784 to 434176 6784
Note: X is limited to 64 due the sequence indicator having 6 bits.


Bit 2 of the Z7 byte is used to convey the third stage of the multistage multiframe in the form of a serial string of 32 bits (over 32 four-frame multi-frames and defined by the extended signal label). This is shown in Figure 3-4. This string is repeated every 16 ms (32 bits × 500 µs/bit) or every 128 frames.

Figure 3-4. Third Stage of LOVC Multiframe Defined by Bit 2 of the Z7 Byte over the 32 Frame Second Stage Multiframe

The third stage string consists of the following fields: The third stage virtual concatenation frame count is contained in bits 1 to 5. The LOVC sequence indicator is contained in bits 6 to 11. The remaining 21 bits are reserved for future standardization.

Let us now consider a concrete example. Suppose that there are three stages of multiframes with the last stage having 5 bits dedicated to frame counting. What is the longest differential delay that can be compensated and in what increments? The first stage was given by the H4 byte and is of length 4, resulting in 4 × 125 µs = 500 µs. The second stage was given by the extended signal label (bit 1 of Z7) and it is of length 32. Since this is inside the first stage, the lengths multiply, resulting in 32 × 500 µs = 16 ms. The third stage, which is within the 32-bit Z7 string, has a length of 25 = 32 and is contained inside the second stage. Hence, the lengths multiply, resulting in 32 × 16 ms = 512 ms. This is the same compensation we showed with HOVC. Since the sequence indicator of the third stage is used to line up the components, the delay compensation is in 16 ms increments.

3.3 Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme

Virtual concatenation allows the flexibility of creating SONET/SDH pipes of different sizes. The Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme or LCAS [ITU-T01a] is a relatively new addition to the SONET/SDH standard. It is designed to increase or decrease the capacity of a Virtually Concatenated Group (VCG) in a hitless fashion. This capability is particularly useful in environments where dynamic adjustment of capacity is important. The LCAS mechanism can also automatically decrease the capacity if a member in a VCG experiences a failure in the network, and increase the capacity when the fault is repaired. Although autonomous addition after a failure is repaired is hitless, removal of a member due to path layer failures is not hitless. Note that a “member” here refers to a VC (SDH) or an SPE (SONET). In the descriptions below, we use the term member to denote a VC.

Note that virtual concatenation can be used without LCAS, but LCAS requires virtual concatenation. LCAS is resident in the H4 byte of the path overhead, the same byte as virtual concatenation. The H4 bytes from a 16-frame sequence make up a message for both virtual concatenation and LCAS. Virtual concatenation uses 4 of the 16 bytes for its MFI and sequence numbers. LCAS uses 7 others for its purposes, leaving 5 reserved for future development. While virtual concatenation is a simple labeling of individual STS-1s within a channel, LCAS is a two-way handshake protocol. Status messages are continuously exchanged and consequent actions taken.

From the perspective of dynamic provisioning enabled by LCAS, each VCG can be characterized by two parameters:

  • XMAX, which indicates the maximum size of the VCG and it is usually dictated by hardware and/or standardization limits
  • XPROV, which indicates the number of provisioned members in the VCG

With each completed ADD command, XPROV increases by 1, and with each completed REMOVE command XPROV decreases by 1. The relationship 0 ≤ XPROV ≤ XMAX always holds. The operation of LCAS is unidirectional. This means that in order to bidirectionally add or remove members to or from a VCG, the LCAS procedure has to be repeated twice, once in each direction. These actions are independent of each other, and they are not required to be synchronized.

The protocols behind LCAS are relatively simple. For each member in the VCG (total of XMAX), there is a state machine at the transmitter and a state machine at the receiver. The state machine at the transmitter can be in one of the following five states:

  1. IDLE: This member is not provisioned to participate in the VCG.
  2. NORM: This member is provisioned to participate in the VCG and has a good path to the receiver.
  3. DNU: This member is provisioned to participate in the VCG and has a failed path to the receiver.
  4. ADD: This member is in the process of being added to the VCG.
  5. REMOVE: This member is in the process of being deleted from the VCG.

The state machine at the receiver can be in one of the following three states:

  1. IDLE: This member is not provisioned to participate in the VCG.
  2. OK: The incoming signal for this member experiences no failure condition. Or, the receiver has received and acknowledged a request for addition of this member.
  3. FAIL: The incoming signal for this member experiences some failure condition, or an incoming request for removal of a member has been received and acknowledged.

The transmitter and the receiver communicate using control packets to ensure smooth transition from one state to another. The control packets consist of XMAX control words, one for each member of the VCG. The following control words are sent from source to the receiver in order to carry out dynamic provisioning functions. Each word is associated with a specific member (i.e., VC) in the VCG.

  • FADD: Add this member to the group.
  • FDNU: Delete this member from the group.
  • FIDLE: Indicate that this VC is currently not a member of the group.
  • FEOS: Indicate that this member has the highest sequence number in the group (EOS denotes End of Sequence).
  • FNORM: Indicate that this member is normal part of the group and does not have the highest sequence number.

The following control words are sent from the receiver to the transmitter. Each word is associated with a specific VC in the VCG.

  • RFAIL and ROK: These messages capture the status of all the VCG members at the receiver. The status of all the members is returned to the transmitter in the control packets of each member. The transmitter can, for example, read the information from member No. 1 and, if that is unavailable, the same information from member No. 2, and so on. As long as no return bandwidth is available, the transmitter uses the last received valid status.
  • RRS_ACK: This is a bit used to acknowledge the detection of renumbering of the sequence or a change in the number of VCG members. This acknowledgment is used to synchronize the transmitter and the receiver.

The following is a typical sequence for adding a member to the group. Multiple members can be added simultaneously for fast resizing.

  1. The network management system orders the source to add a new member (e.g., a VC) to the existing VCG.
  2. The source node starts sending FADD control commands in the selected member. The destination notices the FADD command and returns an ROK in the link status for the new member.
  3. The source sees the ROK, assigns the member a sequence number that is one higher than the number currently in use.
  4. At a frame boundary, the source includes the VC in the byte interleaving and sets the control command to FEOS, indicating that this VC is in use and it is the last in the sequence.
  5. The VC that previously was “EOS ” now becomes “NORM” (normal) as it is no longer the one with the highest sequence number.

The following is a typical sequence for deleting the VC with the highest sequence number (EOS) from a VCG:

  1. The network management system orders the source to delete a member from the existing VCG.
  2. The source node starts sending FIDLE control commands in the selected VC. It also sets the member with the next highest sequence number as the EOS and sends FEOS in the corresponding control word.
  3. The destination notices the FIDLE command and immediately drops the channel from the reassembly process. It also responds with RFAIL and inverts the RRS_ACK bit.

In this example, the deleted member has the highest sequence number. If this is not the case, then the other members with sequence numbers between the newly deleted member and the highest sequence number are renumbered.

LCAS and virtual concatenation add tremendous amount of flexibility to SONET and SDH. Although SONET and SDH were originally designed to transport voice traffic, advent of these new mechanisms has made it perfectly suitable for carrying more dynamic and bursty data traffic. In the next section, we discuss mechanisms for mapping packet payloads into SONET and SDH SPEs.

3.4 Payload Mappings

So far, the multiplexing structure of SONET and SDH has been described in detail. To get useful work out of these different sized containers, a payload mapping is needed, that is, a systematic method for inserting and removing the payload from a SONET/SDH container. Although it is preferable to use standardized mappings for interoperability, a variety of proprietary mappings may exist for various purposes.

In this regard, one of the most important payloads carried over SONET/SDH is IP. Much of the bandwidth explosion that set the wheels in motion for this book came from the growth in IP services. Hence, our focus is mainly on IP in the rest of this chapter. Figure 3-5 shows different ways of mapping IP packets into SONET/SDH frames. In the following, we discuss some of these mechanisms.

Figure 3-5. Different Alternatives for Carrying IP Packets over SONET

3.4.1 IP over ATM over SONET

The “Classical IP over ATM” solution supports robust transmission of IP packets over SONET/SDH using ATM encapsulation. Under this solution, each IP packet is encapsulated into an ATM Adaptation Layer Type 5 (AAL5) frame using multiprotocol LLC/SNAP encapsulation [Perez+95]. The resulting AAL5 Protocol Data Unit (PDU) is segmented into 48-byte payloads for ATM cells. ATM cells are then mapped into a SONET/SDH frame.

One of the problems with IP-over-ATM transport is that the protocol stack may introduce a bandwidth overhead as high as 18 percent to 25 percent. This is in addition to the approximately 4 percent overhead needed for SONET. On the positive side, ATM permits sophisticated traffic engineering, flexible routing, and better partitioning of the SONET/SDH bandwidth. Despite the arguments on the pros and cons of the method, IP-over-ATM encapsulation continues to be one of the main mechanisms for transporting IP over SONET/SDH transport networks.

3.4.2 Packet over SONET/SDH

ATM encapsulation of IP packets for transport over SONET/SDH can be quite inefficient from the perspective of bandwidth utilization. Packet over SONET/SDH (or POS) addresses this problem by eliminating the ATM encapsulation, and using the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) defined by the IETF [Simpson94]. PPP provides a general mechanism for dealing with point-to-point links and includes a method for mapping user data, a Link Control Protocol (LCP), and assorted Network Control Protocols (NCPs). Under POSPPP encapsulated IP packets are framed using high-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) protocol and mapped into the SONET SPE or SDH VC [Malis+99]. The main function of HDLC is to provide framing, that is, delineation of the PPP encapsulated IP packets across the synchronous transport link. Standardized mappings for IP into SONET using PPP/HDLC have been defined in IETF RFC 2615 [Malis+99] and ITU-T Recommendation G.707 [ITU-T00a].

Elimination of the ATM layer under POS results in more efficient bandwidth utilization. However, it also eliminates the flexibility of link bandwidth management offered by ATMPOS is most popular in backbone links between core IP routers running at 2.5 Gbps and 10 Gbps speeds. IP over ATM is still popular in lower-speed access networks, where bandwidth management is essential.

During the initial deployment of POS, it was noticed that the insertion of packets containing certain bit patterns could lead to the generation of the Loss of Frame (LOF) condition. The problem was attributed to the relatively short period of the SONET section (SDH regenerator section) scrambler, which is only 127 bits and synchronized to the beginning of the frame. In order to alleviate the problem, an additional scrambling operation is performed on the HDLC frames before they are placed into the SONET/SDH SPEs. This procedure is depicted in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6. Packet Flow for Transmission and Reception of IP over PPP over SONET/SDH

3.4.3 Generic Framing Procedure (GFP)

GFP [ITU-T01b] was initially proposed as a solution for transporting data directly over dark fibers and WDM links. But due to the huge installed base of SONET/SDH networks, GFP soon found applications in SONET/SDH networks. The basic appeal of GFP is that it provides a flexible encapsulation framework for both block-coded [Gorsche+02] and packet oriented [Bonenfant+02] data streams. It has the potential of replacing a plethora of proprietary framing procedures for carrying data over existing SONET/SDH and emerging WDM/OTN transport.

GFP supports all the basic functions of a framing procedure including frame delineation, frame/client multiplexing, and client data mapping [ITU-T01b]. GFP uses a frame delineation mechanism similar to ATM, but generalizes it for both fixed and variable size packets. As a result, under GFP, it is not necessary to search for special control characters in the client data stream as required in 8B/10B encoding,1 or for frame delineators as with HDLC framing. GFP allows flexible multiplexing whereby data emanating from multiple clients or multiple client sessions can be sent over the same link in a point-to-point or ring configuration. GFP supports transport of both packet-oriented (e.g., Ethernet, IP, etc.) and character-oriented (e.g., Fiber Channel) data. Since GFP supports the encapsulation and transport of variable-length user PDUs, it does not need complex segmentation/reassembly functions or frame padding to fill unused payload space. These careful design choices have substantially reduced the complexity of GFP hardware, making it particularly suitable for high-speed transmissions.

In the following section, we briefly discuss the GFP frame structure and basic GFP functions. GFP FRAME STRUCTURE

GFP frame consists of a core header and a payload area, as shown in Figure 3-7. The GFP core header is intended to support GFP-specific data link management functions. The core header also allows GFP frame delineation independent of the content of the payload. The GFP core header is 4 bytes long and consists of two fields:

Figure 3-7. Generic Framing Procedure Frame Structure

Payload Length Indicator (PLI) Field

A 2-byte field indicating the size of the GFP payload area in bytes.

Core Header Error Correction (cHEC) Field

A 2-octet field containing a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) sequence that protects the integrity of the core header.

The payload area is of variable length (0–65,535 octets) and carries client data such as client PDUs, client management information, and so on. Structurally, the payload area consists of a payload header and a payload information field, and an optional payload Frame Check Sequence (FCS) field. The FCS information is used to detect the corruption of the payload.

Payload Header

The variable length payload header consists of a payload type field and a type Header Error Correction (tHEC) field that protects the integrity of the payload type field. Optionally, the payload header may include an extension header. The payload type field consists of the following subfields:

  • Payload Type Identifier (PTI): This subfield identifies the type of frame. Two values are currently defined: user data frames and client management frames.
  • Payload FCS Indicator (PFI): This subfield indicates the presence or absence of the payload FCS field.
  • Extension Header Identifier (EXI): This subfield identifies the type of extension header in the GFP frame. Extension headers facilitate the adoption of GFP for different client-specific protocols and networks. Three kinds of extension headers are currently defined: a null extension header, a linear extension header for point-to-point networks, and a ring extension header for ring networks.
  • User Payload Identifier (UPI): This subfield identifies the type of payload in the GFP frame. The UPI is set according to the transported client signal type. Currently defined UPI values include Ethernet, PPP (including IP and MPLS), Fiber Channel [Benner01], FICON [Benner01], ESCON [Benner01], and Gigabit Ethernet. Mappings for 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet and digital video broadcast, among others, are under consideration.

Payload Information Field

This field contains the client data. There are two modes of client signal payload adaptation defined for GFP: frame-mapped GFP (GFP-F) applicable to most packet data types, and transparent-mapped GFP (GFP-T) applicable to 8B/10B coded signals. Frame-mapped GFP payloads consist of variable length packets. In this mode, client frame is mapped in its entirety into one GFP frame. Examples of such client signals include Gigabit Ethernet and IP/PPP. With transparent-mapped GFP, a number of client data characters, mapped into efficient block codes, are carried within a GFP frame. GFP FUNCTIONS

The GFP frame structure was designed to support the basic functions provided by GFP, namely, frame delineation, client/frame multiplexing, header/payload scrambling, and client payload mapping. In the following, we discuss each of these functions.

Frame Delineation

The GFP transmitter and receiver operate asynchro nously. The transmitter inserts GFP frames on the physical link according to the bit/byte alignment requirements of the specific physical interface (e.g., SONET/SDH, OTN, or dark fiber). The GFP receiver is responsible for identifying the correct GFP frame boundary at the time of link initialization, and after link failures or loss of frame events. The receiver “hunts” for the start of the GFP frame using the last received four octets of data. The receiver first computes the cHEC value based on these four octets. If the computed cHEC matches the value in the (presumed) cHEC field of the received data, the receiver tentatively assumes that it has identified the frame boundary. Otherwise, it shifts forward by 1 bit and checks again. After a candidate GFP frame has been identified, the receiver waits for the next candidate GFP frame based on the PLI field value. If a certain number of consecutive GFP frames are detected, the receiver transitions into a regular operational state. In this state, the receiver examines the PLI field, validates the incoming cHEC field, and extracts the framed PDU.

Client/Frame Multiplexing

GFP supports both frame and client multiplexing. Frames from multiple GFP processes, such as idle frames, client data frames, and client management frames, can be multiplexed on the same link. Client data frames get priority over management frames. Idle frames are inserted when neither data nor management frames are available for transmission.

GFP supports client-multiplexing capabilities via the GFP linear and ring extension headers. For example, linear extension headers (see Figure 3-7) contain an 8-bit channel ID (CID) field that can be used to multiplex data from up to 256 client sessions on a point-to-point link. An 8-bit spare field is available for future use. Various proposals for ring extension headers are currently being considered for sharing GFP payload across multiple clients in a ring environment.

Header/Payload Scrambling

Under GFP, both the core header and the payload area are scrambled. Core header scrambling ensures that an adequate number of 0-1 transitions occur during idle data conditions (thus allowing the receiver to stay synchronized with the transmitter). Scrambling of the GFP payload area ensures correct operation even when the payload information is coincidentally the same as the scrambling word (or its inverse) from frame-synchronous scramblers such as those used in the SONET line layer (SDH RS layer).

Client Payload Mapping

As mentioned earlier, GFP supports two types of client payload mapping: frame-mapped and transparent-mapped. Frame mapping of native client payloads into GFP is intended to facilitate packet-level handling of incoming PDUs. Examples of such client signals include IEEE 802.3 Ethernet MAC frames, PPP/IP packets, or any HDLC framed PDU. Here, the transmitter encapsulates an entire frame of the client data into a GFP frame. Frame multiplexing is supported with frame-mapped GFP. Frame-mapped GFP uses the basic frame structure of a GFP client frame, including the required payload header.

Transparent mapping is intended to facilitate the transport of 8B/10B block-coded client data streams with low transmission latency. Transparent mapping is particularly applicable to Fiber Channel, ESCON, FICON, and Gigabit Ethernet. Instead of buffering an entire client frame and then encapsulating it into a GFP frame, the individual characters of the client data stream are extracted, and a fixed number of them are mapped into periodic fixed-length GFP frames. The mapping occurs regardless of whether the client character is a data or control character, which thus preserves the client 8B/10B control codes. Frame multiplexing is not precluded with transparent GFP. The transparent GFP client frame uses the same structure as the frame-mapped GFP, including the required payload header.

3.4.4 Ethernet over SONET/SDH

As shown in Figure 3-5, there are different ways of carrying Ethernet frames over SONET/SDH, OTN, and optical fiber. Ethernet MAC frames can be encapsulated in GFP frames and carried over SONET/SDH. Also shown in the figure are the different physical layer encoding schemes, including Gigabit Ethernet physical layer, and 10Gigabit Ethernet physical (PHY) layer optimized for LAN and WAN. Gigabit Ethernet physical layer is 8B/10B coded data stream, and it can be encapsulated into GFP frames and carried over SONET/SDH. 10-Gigabit Ethernet WAN PHY is SONET/SDH encoded, and hence it can be directly mapped into STS-192/STM-16 frames.

3.5 SONET/SDH Transparency Services

SONET and SDH have the following notions of transparency built-in, as described in Chapter 2:

  1. Path transparency, as provided by the SONET line and SDH multiplex section layers. This was the original intent of SONET and SDH, that is, transport of path layer signals transparently between PTEs.
  2. SONET line and SDH multiplex section transparency, as provided by the SONET section and SDH regenerator section layers, respectively.
  3. SONET section and SDH regenerator section transparency, as provided by the physical layer.

Of these, only (1) was considered a “user service” within SONET and SDH. There are reasons now to consider (2) and (3) as services, in addition to newer transparency services.

Figure 3-8 shows a typical scenario where transparency services may be desired. Here, two SONET networks (labeled “Domain 1”) are separated by an intervening optical transport network of some type (labeled “Domain 2”). For instance, Domain 1 could consist of two metro networks under a single administration, separated by a core network (Domain 2) under a different administration. The two disjoint parts of Domain 1 are interconnected by provisioning a “link” between network elements NE1 and NE2, as shown. The characteristics of this link depend on the type of transparency desired. In general, transparency allows NE1 and NE2 to use the functionality provided by SONET overhead bytes in various layers. For instance, section transparency allows the signal from NE1 to NE2 to pass through Domain 2 without any overhead information being modified in transit. An all-optical network or a network with transparent regenerators can provide section layer transparency. This service is equivalent to having a dedicated wavelength (lambda) between NE1 and NE2. Thus, the service is often referred to as a lambda service, even if the signal is electrically regenerated within the network. Section transparency allows NE1 and NE2 to terminate the section layer and use the section (and higher layer) overhead bytes for their own purposes.

Figure 3-8. Networking Scenario Used to Define SONET/SDH Transparency Services

If the OC-N to be transported between NE1 and NE2 is the same size (in terms of capacity) as those used within the optical network, then the section transparency service is a reasonable approach. If the optical network, however, deals with signals much larger than these OC-N signals, then there is the potential for inefficient resource utilization. For example, suppose the optical network is composed of DWDM links and switches that can effectively deal with OC-192 signals. A “lambda” in this network could indeed accommodate an OC-12 signal, but only 1/16th of the capacity of that lambda will be used. In such a case, the OC-12 signal has to be multiplexed in some way into an OC-192 signal. But SONET (SDH) multiplexing takes place at the line (multiplex section) layer. Hence, there is no standard way to convey the OC-12 overhead when multiplexing the constituent path signals into an OC-192 signal. This means that section and line overhead bytes presented by NE1 will be modified within Domain 2. How then to transfer the overhead bytes transparently across Domain 2? Before we examine the methods for accomplishing this, it is instructive to look at the functionality provided by overhead bytes and what it means to support transparency.

Tables 3-3 and 3-4 list the overhead bytes available at different layers, the functionality provided and when the bytes are updated (refer to Figures 2-4 and 2-5).

Table 3-3. SONET Section (SDH Regenerator Section) Overhead Bytes and Functionality


Overhead Bytes Comments
A1 and A2 (Framing) These are repeated in all STS-1 signals within an OC-N. No impact on transparency.
J0 (Trace) Only conveyed in the 1st STS-1, and covers entire frame. J0 bytes in signals 2–N are reserved for growth, i.e., Z0. Used to identify entire section layer signal.
B1 (Section BIP-8) Only conveyed in the 1st STS-1, and covers entire frame. B1 bytes in signals 2–N are undefined. B1 byte must be updated if section, line or path layer content changes.
E1 (Orderwire)

F1 (User)

Only conveyed in the 1st STS-1, and covers for entire frame. E1 and F1 in signals 2–N are undefined.
D1-D3 (Section DCC) Only conveyed in the 1st STS-1, and covers the entire frame. D1-D3 bytes in signals 2–N are undefined.


Table 3-4. SONET Line (SDH Multiplex Section) Overhead Bytes and Functionality


Overhead Bytes Comments
H1, H2, H3 (Pointer bytes) These are repeated in all STS-1s within an STS-N.
B2 (Line BIP-8) This is used for all STS-1s within an STS-N. Must be updated if line or path layer content changes. Used to determine signal degrade conditions.
K1, K2 (APS bytes) Only conveyed in the 1st STS-1 signal, and covers entire line. This space in signals 2 – N are undefined. This is the line APS functionality.
D4-D12 (Line DCC) Only conveyed in the 1st STS-1 for the entire line. D4–D12 bytes in signals 2 – N are undefined.
S1 (Synchronization byte) Only conveyed in the 1st STS-1, and carries the synchronization status message for the entire line. S1 bytes in STS-1 signals 2 – N are reserved for growth (Z1 byte). Note that if a re-multiplexing operation were to take place, this byte cannot be carried through.
M0, M1, (Line, Remote Error indication) M0 or M1 is conveyed in the Nth STS of the STS-N signal. If > 1, this byte is called M1. If N = 1, this byte is called M0. When N > 1, the corresponding bytes in signals 1 to N – 1 are reserved for growth (Z2 byte).
E2 (Line order wire) Only conveyed in the 1st STS-1, and covers the entire line. The E2 bytes in signals 2 – N are undefined.


With standard SONET/SDH path layer multiplexing, the H1–H3 (pointer) bytes must be modified when the clocks are different for the streams to be multiplexed. The B2 byte must be updated when any of the line layer bytes are changed. Also related to timing is the S1 byte, which reports on the synchronization status of the line. This byte has to be regenerated if multiplexing is performed. Thus, it is not possible to preserve all the overhead bytes when the signal from NE1 is multiplexed with other signals within Domain 2. The additional procedures that must be performed to achieve transparency are discussed next.

3.5.1 Methods for Overhead Transparency

We can group the transport overhead bytes into five categories as follows:

  1. Framing bytes A1 and A2, which are always terminated and regenerated
  2. Pointer bytes H1, H2 and H3, which must be adjusted for multiplexing, and the S1 byte
  3. General overhead bytes: J0, E1, F1, D1-D3, K1, K2, D4-D12, M0/M1, E2
  4. BIP-8 error monitoring bytes B1 and B2
  5. An assortment of currently unused growth bytes

With regard to the network shown in Figure 3-8, the following are different strategies for transparently transporting the general overhead bytes:

  • Information forwarding: The overhead bytes originating from NE1 are placed into the OC-N signal and remain unmodified in Domain 2.
  • Information tunneling: Tunneling generally refers to the encapsulation of information to be transported at the ingress of a network in some manner and restoring it at the egress. With respect to Figure 3-8, the overhead bytes originating from NE1 are placed in unused overhead byte locations of the signal transported within Domain 2. These overhead bytes are restored before the signal is delivered to NE2.

As an example of forwarding and tunneling, consider Figure 3-9, which depicts four STS-12 signals being multiplexed into an STS-48 signal within Domain 2. Suppose that the J0 byte of each of these four signals has to be transported transparently. Referring to Table 3-1, it can be noted that the J0 space in signals 2–4 of the STS-48 are reserved, that is, no specific purpose for these bytes is defined within Domain 2. Thus, referring to the structure of the multiplexed overhead information shown in Figure 2-5, the J0 bytes from the second, third, and fourth STS-12 signals can be forwarded unmodified through the intermediate network. This is not true for the J0 byte of the first STS-12, however, since the intermediate network uses the J0 byte in the first STS-1 to cover the entire STS-48 signal (Table 3-1). Hence, the J0 byte of the first STS-12 has to be tunneled by placing it in some unused overhead byte in the STS-48 signal at the ingress and recovering it at the egress.

Figure 3-9. Transparency Example to lllustrate Forwarding and Tunneling

Now, consider the error monitoring bytes, B1 and B2. Their usage is described in detail in section 3.6. Briefly, taking SONET as an example, B1 and B2 bytes contain the parity codes for the section and line portion of the frame, respectively. A node receiving these bytes in a frame uses them to detect errors in the appropriate portions of the frame. According to the SONET specification, B1 and B2 are terminated and regenerated by each STE or LTE, respectively. With regard to the network of Figure 3-8, the following options may be considered for their transport across Domain 2:

  • Error regeneration: B1 and B2 are simply regenerated at every network hop.
  • Error forwarding: As before, the B1 and B2 bytes are regenerated at each hop. But instead of simply sending these regenerated bytes in the transmitted frame (as in the previous case), the bytes are XOR’d (i.e., bit wise summed) with the corresponding bytes received. With this process, the B1 or B2 bytes will accumulate all the errors (at the appropriate layer) for the transparently transported signal. The only drawback of this method is that the error counts within Domain 2 would appear artificially high, and to sort out the true error counts, correlation of the errors reported along the transparent signal’s path would be required.
  • Error tunneling: In this case, the incoming parity bytes (B1 and/or B2) are carried in unused overhead locations within the transport signal in Domain 2. In addition, at each network hop where the bytes are required to be regenerated, the tunneled parity bytes are regenerated and then XOR’d (bit wise binary summation) with the error result that was obtained (by comparing the difference between the received and calculated BIP-8s). In this way, the tunneled parity bytes are kept up to date with respect to errors, and the standard SONET/SDH B1 and B2 bytes are used within Domain 2 without any special error correlation/compensation being performed.

3.5.2 Transparency Service Packages

We have so far looked at the mechanisms for providing transparent transport. From the perspective of a network operator, a more important issue is the determination of the types of transparency services that may be offered. A transparency service package defines which overhead functionality will be transparently carried across the network offering the service. As an example, let us consider the network shown in Figure 3-9 again. The following is a list of individual services that could be offered by Domain 2. These may be grouped in various combinations to create different transparency service packages:

  1. J0 transparency: Allows signal identification across Domain 2.
  2. Section DCC (D1–D3) transparency: Allows STE to STE data communication across Domain 2.
  3. B2 and M0/M1 transparency: Allows line layer error monitoring and indication across Domain 2.
  4. K1 and K2 byte transparency: Allow line layer APS across Domain 2. This service will most likely be used with (3) so that signal degrade conditions can be accurately detected and acted upon.
  5. Line DCC (D4-D12) transparency: Allows LTE to LTE data communication across Domain 2.
  6. E2 transparency: Allows LTE to LTE order wire communication across Domain 2.
  7. Miscellaneous section overhead transparency, that is, E1 and F1.

Whether overhead/error forwarding or tunneling is used is an internal decision made by the domain offering the transparency service, based on equipment capabilities and overhead usage. Note that to make use of equipment capable of transparent services, a service provider must know the overhead usage, termination, and forwarding capabilities of equipment used in the network. For example, the latest release of G.707 [ITU-T00a] allows the use of some of the unused overhead bytes for physical layer forward error correction (FEC). Hence, a link utilizing such a “feature” would have additional restrictions on which bytes could be used for forwarding or tunneling.

3.6 When Things Go Wrong

One of the most important aspects built into optical transport systems is their “self-diagnosis” capability. That is, the ability to detect a problem (i.e., observe a symptom), localize the problem (i.e., find where it originated), and discover the root cause of the problem. In fact, SONET and SDH include many mechanisms to almost immediately classify the root cause of problem. This is done by monitoring the signal integrity between peers at a given layer, and also when transferring a signal from a client (higher) layer into a server (lower) layer (Figure 2-17).

In the following, we first consider the various causes of transport problems. Next, we examine how problems are localized and how signal quality is monitored. Finally, we review the methods and terminology for characterizing problems and their duration.

3.6.1 Transport Problems and Their Detection

Signal monitoring functionality includes the following: continuity supervision, connectivity supervision, and signal quality supervision. These are described next. CONTINUITY SUPERVISION

A fundamental issue in telecommunication is ascertaining whether a signal being transmitted is successfully received. Lack of continuity at the optical or electrical layers in SONET/SDH is indicated by the Loss of Signal (LOS) condition. This may arise from either the failure of a transmitter (e.g., laser, line card, etc.) or break in the line (e.g., fiber cut, WDM failure, etc.). The exact criteria for when the LOS condition is declared and when it is cleared are described in reference [ITU-T00b]. For optical SDH signals, a typical criterion is the detection of no transitions on the incoming signal (before unscrambling) for time T, where 2.3 µs ≤ T ≤ 100 µs. An LOS defect is cleared if there are signal transitions within 125 µs. When dealing with other layers, the loss of continuity is discovered using a maintenance signal known as the Alarm Indication Signal (AIS). AIS indicates that there is a failure further upstream in the lower layer signal. This is described further in section CONNECTIVITY SUPERVISION

Connectivity supervision deals with the determination of whether a SONET/SDH connection at a certain layer has been established between the intended pair of peers. This is particularly of interest if there has been an outage and some type of protection or restoration action has been taken. A trail trace identifier is used for connection supervision. Specifically,

  • The J0 byte is used in the SONET section (SDH regenerator section) layer. The section trace string is 16 bytes long (carried in successive J0 bytes) as per recommendation G.707 [ITU-T00a].
  • The J1 byte is used in the SONET/SDH higher-order path layer (e.g., SONET STS-1 and above). The higher-order path trace string could be 16 or 64 bytes long as per recommendation G.707 [ITU-T00a].
  • The J2 byte is used in the SONET/SDH lower-order path layer (e.g., SONET VT signals). The lower-order path trace string is 16 bytes long as per recommendation G.707 [ITU-T00a].

For details of trail trace identifiers used for tandem connection monitoring (TCM), see recommendations G.707 [ITU-T00a] and G.806 [ITU-T00c]. The usage of this string is typically controlled from the management system. Specifically, a trace string is configured in the equipment at the originating end. An “expected string” is configured at the receiving end. The transmitter keeps sending the trace string in the appropriate overhead byte. If the receiver does not receive the expected string, it raises an alarm, and further troubleshooting is initiated. SIGNAL QUALITY SUPERVISION

Signal quality supervision determines whether a received signal contains too many errors and whether the trend in errors is getting worse. In SONET and SDH, parity bits called Bit Interleaved Parity (BIP) are added to the signal in various layers. This allows the receiving end, known as the near-end, to obtain error statistics as described in section 3.6.3. To give a complete view of the quality of the signal in both directions of a bidirectional line, the number of detected errors at the far-end (transmitting end) may be sent back to the near-end via a Remote Error Indicator (REI) signal.

The following bits and bytes are used for near-end signal quality monitoring under SONET and SDH:

  • SONET section (SDH regenerator section) layer: The B1 byte is used to implement a BIP-8 error detecting code that covers the previous frame.
  • SONET line (SDH multiplex section) layer: In the case of SDH STM-N signals, a BIP N × 24 composed of the 3 STM-1 B2 bytes is used. In the case of SONET STS-N, a BIP N × 8 composed of the N B2 bytes is used. These cover the entire contents of the frame excluding the regenerator section overhead.
  • SONET path (SDH HOVC) layer: The B3 byte is used to implement a BIP-8 code covering all the bits in the previous VC-3, VC-4, and VC-4-Xc.
  • SONET VT path (SDH LOVC) layer. Bits 1 and 2 of the V5 byte are used to implement a BIP-2 code covering all the bits in the previous VC-1/2.

SONET/SDH provides the following mechanisms for carrying the REI information. For precise usage, see either T1.105 [ANSI-95a] or G.707 [ITU-T00a].

  • Multiplex section layer REI: For STM-N (N = 0, 1, 4, 16), 1 byte (M1) is allocated for use as Multiplex Section REI. For STM-N (N = 64 and 256), 2 bytes (M0, M1) are allocated for use as a multiplex section REI. Note that this is in line with the most recent version of G.707 [ITU-T00a].
  • Path layer REI: For STS (VC-3/4) path status, the first 4 bits of the G1 path overhead are used to return the count of errors detected via the path BIP-8, B3. Bit 3 of V5 is the VT Path (VC-1/2) REI that is sent back to the originating VT PTE, if one or more errors were detected by the BIP-2. ALIGNMENT MONITORING

When receiving a time division multiplexed (TDM) signal, whether it is electrical or optical, a critically important stage of processing is to find the start of the TDM frame and to maintain frame alignment. In addition, when signals are multiplexed together under SONET/SDH, the pointer mechanism needs to be monitored.

Frame Alignment and Loss of Frame (LOF)

The start of an STM-N (OC-3N) frame is found by searching for the A1 and A2 bytes contained in the STM-N (OC-3N) signal. Recall that the A1 and A2 bytes form a particular pattern and that the rest of the frame is scrambled. This framing pattern is continuously monitored against the assumed start of the frame. Generally, the receiver has 625 µs to detect an out-of-frame (OOF) condition. If the OOF state exits for 3 ms or more then a loss of frame (LOF) state will be declared. To exit the LOF state, the start of the frame must be found and remain valid for 3 ms.

Loss of Multiframe

SDH LOVCs and SONET VTs use the multi-frame structure described earlier. The 500 µs multiframe start phase is recovered by performing multiframe alignment on bits 7 and 8 of byte H4. Out-of-multiframe (OOM) is assumed once when an error is detected in the H4 bit 7 and 8 sequence. Multiframe alignment is considered recovered when an error-free H4 sequence is found in four consecutive VC-n (VT) frames.

Pointer Processing and Loss of Pointer (LOP)

Pointer processing in SONET/SDH is used in both the HOVC (STS path) and LOVC (VT path) layers. This processing is important in aligning payload signals (SDH VC or SONET paths) into their containing signals (STM-N/OC-3N). Without correct pointer processing, essentially one per payload signal, the payload signal is essentially “lost.” Hence, pointer values are closely monitored as part of pointer processing [ITU-T00a, ITU-T00b]. A loss of pointer state is declared under severe error conditions.

3.6.2 Problem Localization and Signal Maintenance

Once a problem has been detected, its exact location has to be identified for the purposes of debugging and repair. SONET/SDH provides sophisticated mechanisms to this in the form of Alarm Indication Signals (AIS) and the Remote Defect Indication (RDI). These are described below. ALARM INDICATION SIGNALS

Suppose that there is a major problem with the signal received by an intermediate point in a SONET network. In this case, a special Alarm Indication Signal is transmitted in lieu of the normal signal to maintain transmission continuity. An AIS indicates to the receiving equipment that there is a transmission interruption located at, or upstream, of the equipment originating the AIS. Note that if the AIS is followed upstream starting from the receiver, it will lead to the location of the error. In other words, the AIS signal is an important aid in fault localization. It is also used to deliver news of defects or faults across layers.

SONET STE will originate an Alarm Indication Signal-Line (AIS-L) (MS AIS in SDH) upon detection of an LOS or LOF defect. There are two variants of the AIS-L signal. The simplest is a valid section overhead followed by “all ones” pattern in the rest of the frame bytes (before scrambling). To detect AIS-L, it is sufficient to look at bits 6, 7, and 8 of the K2 byte and check for the “111” pattern. A second function of the AIS-L is to provide a signal suitable for normal clock recovery at downstream STEs and LTEs. See [ANSI95a] for the details of the application, removal, and detection of AIS-L.

SONET LTE will generate an Alarm Indication signal-Path (AIS-P) upon detection of an LOSLOFAIS-L, or LOP-P defect. AIS-P (AU AIS in SDH) is specified as “all ones” in the STS SPE as well as the H1, H2, and H3 bytes. STS pointer processors detect AIS-P as “111…” in bytes H1 and H2 in three consecutive frames.

SONET STS PTE will generate an Alarm Indication signal-VT (AIS-V) for VTs of the affected STS path upon detection of an LOSLOFAIS-L, LOP-P, AIS-P, or LOP-V defect. The AIS-V signal is specified as “all ones” in the entire VT, including the V1-V4 bytes. VT pointer processors detect AIS-V as “111…” in bytes V1 and V2 in three consecutive VT superframes.

The SDH AIS signals for its various layers are nearly identical as those of SONET in definition and use as shown in Table 3-5. REMOTE DEFECT INDICATION

Through the AIS mechanism, SONET allows the downstream entities to be informed about problems upstream in a timely fashion (in the order of milliseconds). The AIS signal is good for triggering downstream protection or restoration actions. For quick recovery from faults, it is also important to let the upstream node know that there is a reception problem downstream. The Remote Defect Indication (RDI) signal is used for this purpose. The precise definition of RDI, as per [ANSI95a], is

Table 3-5. SDH AIS Signals by Layer


Layer Type AIS Overhead AIS Activation Pattern AIS Deactivation Pattern
MSn MSAIS K2, bits 6 to 8 “111” ≠ “111”
VC-3/4 AU-AIS H1, H2 See Annex A/G.783 [ITU-T00b]
VC-3/4 TCM IncAIS N1, bits 1 to 4 “1110” ≠ “1110”
VC-11/12/2 TUAIS V1, V2 S11/12/2 (VC-11/12/2)
VC-11/12/2 TUAIS V1, V2 See Annex A/G.783 [ITU-T00b]
VC-11/12/2 TCM IncAIS N2, bit 4 “1” “0”


A signal transmitted at the first opportunity in the outgoing direction when a terminal detects specific defects in the incoming signal.

At the line level, the RDI-L code is returned to the transmitting LTE when the receiving LTE has detected an incoming line defect. RDI-L is generated within 100 ms by an LTE upon detection of an LOSLOF, or AIS-L defect. RDI-L is indicated by a 110 code in bits 6,7,8 of the K2 byte (after unscrambling).

At the STS path level, the RDI-P code is returned to the transmitting PTE when the receiving PTE has detected an incoming STS path defect. There are three classes of defects that trigger RDI-P:

  1. Payload defects: These generally indicate problems detected in adapting the payload being extracted from the STS path layer.
  2. Server defects: These indicate problems in one of the layers responsible for transporting the STS path.
  3. Connectivity defects: This only includes the trace identifier mismatch (TIM) or unequipped conditions.

Table 3-6 shows current use of the G1 byte for RDI-P purposes (consult [ANSI95a] for details).

The remote defect indication for the VT path layer, RDI-V, is similar to RDI-P. It is used to return an indication to the transmitting VT PTE that the receiving VT PTE has detected an incoming VT Path defect. There are three classes of defects that trigger RDI-V:

Table 3-6. Remote Defect Indicator—Path (RDI-P) via the G1 Byte


G1, bit 5 G1, bit 6 G1, bit 7 Meaning
0 1 0 Remote payload defect
0 1 1 No remote defect
1 0 1 Server defect
1 1 0 Remote connectivity defect


  1. Payload defects: These generally indicate problems detected in adapting the payload being extracted from the VT path layer.
  2. Server defects: These generally indicate problems in the server layers to the VT path layer.
  3. Connectivity defects: These generally indicate that there is a connectivity problem within the VT path layer.

For more information, see [ANSI95a] for details. RDI-V uses the Z7 bytes (bits 6 and 7).

One thing to note about RDI signals is that they are “peer to peer” indications, that is, they stay within the layer that they are generated. The AIS and RDI signals form the “fast” notification mechanisms for protection and restoration, that is, these are the primary triggers. Examples of their usage are given in the next chapter. The RDI signals in various SDH layers are nearly identical to those of SONET and they are summarized in Table 3-7.

Table 3-7. RDI Signals for Various SDH Layers


Layer Type RDI/ODI Overhead RDI/ODI Activation Pattern RDI/ODI Deactivation Pattern
MSn RDI K2, bits 6 to 8 “110” ≠ “110”
S3D/4D (VC-3/4 TCM option 2) RDI N1, bit 8, frame 73 “1” “0”
S11/12/2 (VC-11/12/2) RDI V5, bit 8 “1” “0”
S11D/12D/2D (VC-11/12/2 TCM) RDI N2, bit 8, frame 73 “1” “0”


3.6.3 Quality Monitoring BLIPS AND BIPS

The bit error rates are typically extremely low in optical networks. For example, in 1995, the assumed worst-case bit error rate (BER) for SONET regenerator section engineering was 10-10, or one error per 10 billion bits. Today, that would be considered quite high. Hence, for error detection in a SONET frame, we can assume very few bit errors per frame.

As an example, the number of bits in an STS-192 frame is 1,244,160 (9 rows × 90 columns per STS-1 x 8 bits/byte × 192 STS-1). With a BER of 10-10, it can be expected that there will be one bit error in every 8038 frames. The probability of two errors in the same frame is fairly low. Since the bit rate of an STS-192 signal is 10 Gbps (or 1010 bits per second), a BER of 10-10 gives rise to one bit error every second on the average. This is why a BER of 10-10 is considered quite high today.

Figure 3-10 shows the general technique used in SONET and SDH for monitoring bit errors “in-service” over various portions of the signal. This method is known as the Bit Interleaved Parity 8 Bits, or BIP-8 for short. Although the name sounds complex, the idea and calculation are rather simple. In Figure 3-10, X1-X5 represents a set of bytes that are being checked for transmission errors. For every bit position in these bytes, a separate running tally of the parity (i.e., the number of 1s that occur) is kept track of. The corresponding bit position of the BIP-8 byte is set to “1” if the parity is currently odd and a zero if the parity is even. The BIP-8 byte is sent, typically in the following frame, to the destination. The destination recomputes the BIP-8 code based on the contents of the received frame and compares it with the BIP-8 received. If there are no bit errors, then these two codes should match. Figure 3-10(b) depicts the case where one of the bytes, X2, encounters a single bit error during transmission, that is, bit 2 changes from 1 to 0. In this case, the received BIP-8 and the recomputed BIP-8 differ by a single bit and, in fact, the number of differing bits can be used as an estimate of the number of bit errors.

Figure 3-10. Example of BIP-8 Calculation and Error Detection

Note that the BIP-8 technique works well under the assumption of low bit error rates. The study of general mechanisms for error detection and correction using redundant information bits is known as algebraic coding theory (see [Lin+83]).

BIP-8 is used for error monitoring in different SONET/SDH layers. At the SONET section layer, the B1 byte contains the BIP-8 calculated over all the bits of the previous STS-N frame (after scrambling). The computed BIP-8 is placed in the B1 byte of the first STS-1 (before scrambling). This byte is defined only for the first STS-1 of an STS-N signal. SDH uses this byte for the same purpose. Hence, the BIP-8 in this case is calculated over the entire SONET frame and covers a different number of bytes for different signals, for example, STS-12 vs. STS-192.

At the SONET line layer, BIP-8 is calculated over all the bits of the line overhead and the STS-1 SPE (before scrambling). The computed BIP-8 is placed in the B2 byte of the next STS-1 frame (before scrambling). This byte is separately computed for all the STS-1 signals within an STS-N signal. These N BIP-8 bytes are capable of detecting fairly high bit error rates, up to 10-3. To see this, consider an STS-1 line signal (i.e., an STS-1 frame without section layer overhead). The number of bytes in this signal is 804 (9 rows × 90 columns – 6 section bytes). Each bit in the line BIP-8 code is used to cover 804 bits (which are in the corresponding bit position of the 804 bytes in the line signal). Since a BER of 10-3 means an average of one bit error every 1000 bits, there will be less than one bit error in 804 bits (on the average). This, the line BIP-8 code is sufficient for detecting these errors. Note, however, that BIP-8 (and any parity based error detection mechanism) may fail if there are multiple, simultaneous bit errors.

At the STS Path level, BIP-8 is calculated over all the bits of the previous STS SPE (before scrambling) and carried in the B3 path overhead byte. SDH uses this byte for the same purpose but excludes the fixed stuff bytes in the calculation. The path BIP-8, like the section BIP-8, covers a different number of bytes depending on the size of the STS path signal, that is, STS-3 vs. STS-12.

At the VT path level, 2 bits of the VT path level overhead byte V5 are used for carrying a BIP-2. The technique for this is illustrated in Figure 3-11. To save on overhead, the parity counts over all the odd and the even bit positions are combined and represented by the two bits of the BIP-2 code, respectively. Recall that the VT SPE is a multiframe spanning four SONET frames. The BIP-2 is calculated over all bytes in the previous VT SPE, including all overhead but the pointers (Figure 3-11).

Figure 3-11. BIP Calculation at the VT Path Level

Let us examine how effective the BIP-2 code is. The number of bits in the VT1.5 SPE is 832 ([(9 rows × 3 columns) – 1 pointer byte] × 8 bits/byte × 4 frames per SPE). Each bit of the BIP-2 code covers half the bits in the VT1.5 SPE, that is, 416 bits. Hence, BIP-2 can handle error rates of 1 in 500 bits (BER between 10-2 and 10-3). Now, a VT6 is four times the size of the VT1.5. In this case, each parity bit covers 1664 bits, handling a BER slightly worse than 10-4.

3.6.4 Remote Error Monitoring

The error monitoring capabilities provided by SONET and SDH enables the receiver to know the error count and compute the BER on the received signal at various layers. Based on this information, it is useful to let the sender learn about the quality of the signal received at the other end. The following mechanisms are used for this purpose.

The STS-1 line REI (M0 byte) is used by the receiver to return the number of errored bits detected at the line layer to the sender. The receiver arrives at this number by considering the difference between the received and the recomputed BIP-8 (B2) codes. In the case of an STS-N signal, the M1 byte is used for conveying the REI information. Clearly, up to 8 × N errors could be detected with STS-N BIP-8 codes (as each STS-1 is covered by its own BIP-8). But only a count of at most 255 can be reported in the single M1 byte. Thus, in signals of OC-48 and higher rates, the number 255 is returned when 255 or more errors are detected.

At the path layer, the receiver uses the first four bits of the G1 path overhead to return the number of errors detected (using the path BIP-8) to the sender. At the VT path layer, the receiver uses bit 3 of the V5 byte to indicate the detection of one or more errors to the sender.

3.6.5 Performance Measures

When receiving word of a problem, one is inclined to ask some general questions such as: “How bad is it? “How long has it been this way?” and “Is it getting worse or better?” The following terminology is used in the transport world. An anomaly is a condition that gives the first hint of possible trouble. A defect is an affirmation that something has indeed gone wrong. A failure is a state where something has truly gone wrong. Whether an event notification or an alarm is sent to a management system under these conditions is a separate matter. Performance parameters in SONET and SDH are used to quantify these conditions.

SONET or an SDH network element supports performance monitoring (PM) according to the layer of functionality it provides. A SONET network element accumulates PM data based on overhead bits at the Section, Line, STS Path, and VT Path layers. In addition, PM data are available at the SONET Physical layer using physical parameters. The following is a summary of different performance parameter defined in SONET. Similar performance parameters are also monitored and measured in SDH. For a detailed treatment on PM parameters on SONET refer to [Telcordia00].

Physical Layer Performance Parameters

The physical layer performance measurement enables proactive monitoring of the physical devices to facilitate early indication of a problem before a failure occurs. Several physical parameters are measured, including laser bias current, optical power output by the transmitter, and optical power at the receiver. Another important physical layer parameter is the Loss of Signal (LOS) second, which is the count of 1-second intervals containing one or more LOS defects.

Section Layer Performance Parameters

The following section layer performance parameters are defined in SONET. Note that all section layer performance parameters are defined for the near-end. There are no far-end parameters at the Section layer.

  • Code Violation (CV-S): The CV-S parameter is a count of BIP errors detected at the section layer. Up to eight section BIP errors can be detected per STS-N frame.
  • Errored Second (ES-S): The ES-S parameter is a count of the number of 1 second intervals during which at least one section layer BIP error was detected, or an SEF (see below) or LOS defect was present.
  • Errored Second Type A (ESA-S) and Type B (ESB-S): ESA-S is the count of 1-second intervals containing one CV-S, and no SEF or LOS defects. ESB-S is the count of 1-second intervals containing more than one but less than X CV-S errors, and no SEF or LOS defects. Here, X is a user-defined number.
  • Severely Errored Second (SES-S): The SES-S parameter is a count of 1-second intervals during which K or more Section layer BIP errors were detected, or an SEF or LOS defect was present. K depends on the line rate and can be set by the user.
  • Severely Errored Frame Second (SEFS-S): The SEFS-S parameter is a count of 1-second intervals during which an SEF defect was present. An SEF defect is detected when the incoming signal has a minimum of four consecutive errored frame patterns. An SEF defect is expected to be present when an LOS or LOF defect is present. But there may be situations when this is not the case, and the SEFS-S parameter is only incremented based on the presence of the SEF defect.

Line Layer Performance Parameters

At the SONET line layer, both near-end and far-end parameters are monitored and measured. Far-end line layer performance is conveyed back to the near-end LTE via the K2 byte (RDI-L) and the M0 or M1 byte (REI-L). Some of the important near-end performance parameters are defined below. The far-end parameters are defined in a similar fashion.

  • Code Violation (CV-L): The CV-L parameter is a count of BIP errors detected at the line layer. Up to 8N BIP errors can be detected per STS-N frame.
  • Errored Second (ES-L): The ES-L parameter is a count of 1-second intervals during which at least one line layer BIP error was detected or an AIS-L defect is present.
  • Errored Second Type A (ESA-L) and Type B (ESB-L): ESA-L is the count of 1-second intervals containing one CV-L error and no AIS-L defects. ESB-L is the count of 1-second intervals containing X or more CV-L errors, or one or more AIS-L defects. Here, X is a user-defined number.
  • Severely Errored Second (SES-L): The SES-L parameter is a count of 1-second intervals during which K or more line layer BIP errors were detected, or an AIS-L defect is present. K depends on the line rate and can be set by the user.
  • Unavailable Second (UAS-L): Count of 1-second intervals during which the SONET line is unavailable. The line is considered unavailable after the occurrence of 10 SES-Ls.
  • AIS Second (AISS-L): Count of 1-second intervals containing one or more AIS-L defects.

Path Layer Performance Parameters

Both STS path and VT path performance parameters are monitored at the path layer. Also, both near-end and far-end performance parameters are measured. Far-end STS path layer performance is conveyed back to the near-end STS PTE using bits 1 through 4 (REI-P) and 5 through 7 (RDI-P) of the G1 byte. Far-end VT path layer performance is conveyed back to the near-end VT PTE using bit 3 of the V5 byte (REI-V), and either bits 5 through 7 of the Z7 byte or bit 8 of the V5 byte (RDI-V). Some of the important near-end STS path performance parameters are defined below. The far-end parameters are defined in a similar fashion.

  • Code Violation (CV-P): Count of BIP-8 errors that are detected at the STS-path layer.
  • Errored Second (ES-P): Count of 1-second intervals containing one or more CV-P errors, one or more AIS-P, LOP-P, TIM-P, or UNEQ-P defects.
  • Errored Second Type A (ESA-P) and Type B (ESB-P): ESA-P is the count of 1-second intervals containing one CV-P error and no AIS-P, LOP-P, TIM-P, or UNEQ-P defects. ESB-P is the count of 1-second intervals containing more than one but less than X CV-P errors and no AIS-P, LOP-P, TIM-P, or UNEQ-P defects. Here, X is a user-defined number.
  • Severely Errored Second (SES-P): Count of 1-second intervals containing X or more CV-P errors, one or more AIS-P, LOP-P, TIM-P, or UNEQ-P defects. Here, X is a user-defined number.
  • Unavailable Second (UAS-P): Count of 1-second intervals during which the SONET STS-path is unavailable. A path is considered unavailable after the occurrence of 10 SESs.
  • Pointer Justification Counts: To monitor the adaptation of the path payloads into the SONET line, the pointer positive and negative adjustment events are counted. The number of 1-second intervals during which a pointer adjustment event occurs is also kept track of.
  • 3.7 Summary
  • SONET and SDH-based optical transport networks have been deployed extensively. It is therefore important to understand the fundamentals of these technologies before delving into the details of the control plane mechanisms. After all, the optical network control plane is a relatively recent development. Its primary application in the near term will be in SONET/SDH networks. In this context, it is vital to know about the low-level control mechanisms that already exist in SONET and SDH and how they help in building advanced control plane capabilities. The next chapter continues with a description of another key topic relevant to the control plane, that is, protection and restoration mechanisms in SONET and SDH networks. Following this, the subject of modern optical control plane is dealt with in earnest.

Virtual Concatenation: Knowing the Details .
They say the devil is in the details. That’s certainly the case when dealing with virtual concatenation. Clearly, designers at the chip, equipment, and carrier level have touted the wonders that virtual concatenation delivers. But, what often gets lost in these discussions are the real challenges that chip and equipment developers will face when implementing virtual concatenation in a real-world design.

In this two-part series, we’ll examine the design issues that developers will encounter when implementing virtual concatenation in a system level design. In Part 1, we’ll examine the basic benefits of virtual concatenation, the difference between high- and low-order virtual concatenation pipes, and differential delay issues. In Part 2, we’ll take a detailed look at the link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS).

Why VC is So hot
Much has already been said and written about the benefits of virtual concatenation over current payload mapping capabilities of Sonet and SDH. Table 1 summarizes the individual payload capacities of different commonly used Sonet or SDH paths. The table includes both high- and low-order paths with and without standard contiguous concatenation (denoted by the “c”).

While allowing a range of bandwidths to be provisioned, these current mappings do not have the granularity required to make efficient use of the existing network infrastructure. One other important point to note is that contiguous concatenation of VT1.5/VC-11s or VT2/VC-12s is not supported.

Table 1: Current Sonet and SDH Payload Capacities


Container (Sonet/SDH) Type Payload Capacity (Mbit/s)
VT1.5/VC 11 Low Order 1.600
VT2/VC 12 Low Order 2.176
STS-1/VC 3 High Order 48.384
STS-3c/VC 4 High Order 149.76
STS-12c/VC 4-4c High Order 599.04
STS-24c/VC 4-8c High Order 1198.08
STS-48c/VC 4-16c High Order 2396.16
STS-192c/VC 4-64c High Order 9584.64


Table 2 lists the payload capacities possible with virtual concatenation. As is shown, concatenation of VT1.5/VC-11s or VT2/VC-12s is supported and the concatenation of high-order paths is much more granular.

Table 2: Virtual Concatenation Payload Capacities


Container (Sonet/SDH) Type Payload Capacity (Mbit/s)
VT1.5 Xv/VC 11 Xv Low Order X x 1.600 (X=1.64)
VT2 Xv/VC 12 Xv Low Order X x 2.176 (X = 1.64)
STS-1-Xv/VC 3-Xv High Order X x 48.384 (X = 1.256)
STS-3-Xv/VC 4-Xv High Order X x 149.76 (X = 1.256)


Making Use of Unused Overhead
In addition to allowing more flexible mapping, virtual concatenation also releases two of the restrictions upon which contiguous concatenation relies to reconstruct the signal being carried. These are phase alignment of the members of the concatenation and an inherent sequence order of the members. Consequently, in order to reconstruct the original signal from a virtually concatenated group (VCG), it is necessary to determine the phase alignment and sequence of the received members. The information required to support this is carried in previously unused Sonet/SDH path overhead, which is overhead that is generated by a payload mapper and effectively stays intact regardless of how the payload makes its way through the network to its destination. Note: In SDH, tandem connection monitoring involves the modification of some Path Overhead at an intermediate point.

To put this in context, Figure 1 illustrates the high- and low-order paths and their path overhead. For high-order paths, virtual concatenation uses the H4 byte while for low-order paths, virtual concatenation uses bit 2 of the Z7/K4 byte.

Figure 1: High- and low-order paths and overhead.

For both high- and low-order paths, the information required is structured in a multi frame format as shown in Figure 2. For high-order paths, the multi frame structure is defined by the virtual concatenation overhead carried in the H4 byte. For the low-order paths, on the other hand, the multi frame structure is phase aligned with the multi frame alignment signal (MFAS) of bit 1 of the Z7/K4 byte that carries the extended signal label.

Figure 2: Virtual concatenation multi frame formats.

High-Order Overhead
In high-order paths, the H4 multi frame structure is 16 frames long for a total of 2 ms. Within this structure, there are two multi frame indicators—MFI1 and MFI2. MFI1 is a 4-bit field which increments every frame while MFI2 is an 8-bit field which increments every multi frame.

The most significant and least significant nibbles of MFI2 are sent over the first two frames of a multi frame. Together with MFI1, they form a 12-bit field that rolls over every 512 ms (4096 x 125 μs). This allows for a maximum differential path delay of less than 256 ms to ensure that it is always possible to determine which members of a VCG arrive earliest (shortest network delay) and which members arrive latest (longest network delay).

If the differential delay were 256 ms or more, it would not be possible to know if a member with an {MFI2,MFI1}=0 is 256 ms behind or 256 ms ahead of a member with an {MFI2,MFI1}=2048.

The second piece of information conveyed in the H4 byte is the sequence indicator (SQ). This is an 8-bit field that, like the MFI2, is sent a nibble at a time over two frames in the multi frame. In this case if SQ, it is sent over the last two frames. Consequently, a high-order VCG can contain up to 256 members.

The number of members is obviously limited by the number of paths available in the transport signal. Thus, a 40-Gbit pipe would have to be a reality to have 256 STS 1 or VC 3 members. Referring back to the payload capacities of Table 1, for STS 1 256v/VC 3 256vs, the payload capacity is 256 x 48.384 Mbit/s = 12,386.304 Mbit/s. For STS 3c 256v/VC 4 256v, the payload capacity would be close to 50 Gbit/s.

Low-Order Overhead
Figure 1 above shows that low-order paths have an inherent multi frame structure of 4 Sonet/SDH frames (or 500 μs). As illustrated in Figure 2, the virtual concatenation multi frame structure, delineated by the MFAS pattern in the extended signal label bit (bit 1 of K4), is 32 of these 500 μs multi frames for a total VC multi frame (or should we say multi multi frame) duration of 16 ms.

Within the virtual concatenation multi-frame structure of bit 2 of the K4 byte, again, there is a multi frame indicator (MFI) and an SQ. In this case, the MFI is a 5-bit field sent over the first five 500 μs multi frames of the VC multi frame that rolls over every 512 ms (32 x 16ms). Again, this permits a maximum differential delay across all members of a low-order VCG of less than 256 ms.

The SQ for LO paths is a 6-bit field which is transmitted over virtual concatenation multi frames 6 through 11 allowing for up to 64 members on a low-order VCG. Again, using the values in Table 2, for VT1.5 64v/VC 11 64v, the payload capacity is 102.4 Mbit/s and the payload capacity of a VT2 64v/VC 12 64v is 139.264 Mbit/s.

Differential Delay alignment
When data is mapped into a VCG, it is essentially ‘demultiplexed’, on a byte by byte basis, across the members of the VCG in the sequence provisioned (reflected by the SQ bytes of each member). At the destination, these discrete paths must be ‘remultiplexed’ to form the original signal. Allowance for differential delay across the members of a VCG implies that all members must be delayed to that of the maximum member such that the ‘remultiplexing’ can be performed correctly.

As a concept, differential delay alignment is not particularly complex. Each member has its data written into a buffer upon reception along with some kind of indication as to where the MFI boundaries are. Data for a given MFI is then read out of each buffer, thus creating phase alignment of the members. The depth of each buffer (the difference between the read and write pointers) is a measure of the difference in delay between that member and the member that has the most network delay.

The main issue with differential delay is the amount of buffer space required. Designers can calculate the amount of buffer space required using the maximum number of members supported. For example, each VT1.5/VC 11 has a payload capacity of 1.6Mbit/s. The worst case is that a member would have to be delayed by just under 256 ms which represents 1.6 Mbit/s x 0.256 s = 400 kbit. Similarly, an STS 1/VC 3 requires a maximum payload capacity of 1.48 Mbit.

These numbers may not seem significant until one considers the number of paths in a given transport signal. Table 3 shows the memory requirements for some potential combinations of virtual concatenation path types and the transport signals that may carry them. Note: the calculations in Table 3 reflect maximum buffer sizes on all paths assuming only payload data is buffered. At least one member of each VCG, by definition, will have minimal buffering so the actual requirements will be slightly lower. If any Path Overhead is also buffered, then the requirements may rise.

Table 3: Virtual Concatenation Delay Buffer Requirements for Various Transport Signals


Virtual Concatenation Path Type Transport Signal Number of Paths total Delay Buffer Size
VT1.5/VC 11 STS-3/STM-1 84 33 Mbit
VT1.5/VC 11 STS-12/STM-4 336 131 Mbit
VT2/VC 12 STS-3/STM-1 63 33.5 Mbit
VT2/VC 12 STS-3/STM-4 252 134 Mbit
STS-1/VC-3 STS-12/STM-4 12 142 Mbit
STS-1/VC-3 STS-48/STM-16 48 567 Mbit
STS-3c/VC-4 STS-12/STM-4 4 146 Mbit
STS-3c/VC-4 STS-48/STM-16 12 585 Mbit


It is clear from Table 3 that, even for low bandwidth mapping/demapping devices (STS-3/STM-1) that support virtual concatenation, it is impractical to provide on-board buffers allowing for 256 ms of differential delay.

The obvious way to solve this problem is to equip mapping/demapping devices with interfaces to external memory that is large enough to hold the amounts of data listed above. Again this sounds straightforward but there is another consideration that complicates the solution. The data transfer rate between the mapper/demapper and the external buffer memory is twice that of the transport signal rate. This is because the data must be both written to and read from the buffers at the transport signal rate. For an OC 48/STM 16 this amounts to close to 5 Gbit/s. Even with 32-bit wide memory, this results in approximately 150 Mtransfers/s.

The memory options that support these rates are not plentiful. Essentially, these devices must support external SDRAM or SRAM. SDRAM may seem like a good solution due to the large capacities available and the apparent speed that DDR and QDR SDRAMs can support. These speeds can only be achieved, however, if access to the memory involves sustained bursts to sequential memory blocks where successive blocks sit in different pages within the SDRAM structure. This can’t easily be guaranteed, as the allocation of memory is entirely dependent on the type, number and delay supported of the members all VCGs being terminated by the device.

SRAMs, on the other hand, can easily keep up with the transfer rates required with no restriction on the order that data is either written or read but capacities of 500 Mbit can be prohibitive in cost and real estate. Consequently, component vendors must choose carefully how much differential delay and what type of external memory their mapper/demapper devices will support.

Virtual Concatenation: Knowing the Details continues
The hype behind virtual concatenation has been growing for more than a year now. And the link capacity adjustment scheme is one of the reasons why. LCAS enhances the capabilities provided by virtual concatenation, allowing operators to adjust virtually concatenated groups (VCGs) on the fly, thus improving network utilization even further.

But, like virtual concatenation, LCAS implementation can be quite challenging for today’s chip and equipment designers. In Part 1, we looked at virtual concatenation and the implementation issues designers will face using this technology. Now, in Part 2, we’ll focus our attention on describing how LCAS works and the design issues engineers will face when using this technology in a chip or system design.

Understanding LCAS
The link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS) mainly attempts to address two of the tricky issues associated with virtual concatenation: ability to increase or decrease the capacity of a VCG and the ability to deal gracefully with member failures.

With LCAS, not all members of a VCG need to be active in order to pass data from the source (So), to the Sink (Sk). Once a VCG is defined, the So and Sk equipment are responsible for agreeing which members will carry traffic. There are also procedures that allow them to agree to remove or add members at any time. To achieve this, signaling between the source and sink is required and some of the reserved fields in the virtual concatenation overhead are used for this purpose.

Within LCAS, a control packet is defined that carries the following fields:

  • Member status (MST)
  • Re-sequence acknowledge (RS-Ack)
  • Control (CTRL)
  • Group ID (GID)
  • CRC-3/CRC-8 (3 for LO, 8 for HO)

The position of these fields within the VC multi-frames for high- and low-order paths are shown in Figure 3. Note that, for high-order paths, the control packet begins with the MST field in MFI n and ends with the CRC-8 field in MFI n+1.

Figure 3: Signaling overhead associated with LCAS.

The MST field provides a means of communicating, from the Sk to the So, the state of all received VCG members. The state for each member is either OK or FAIL (1 bit). Since there are potentially more members than bits in the field in a given VC multi-frame, it takes 32 high-order virtual concatenation multi-frames and 8 low-order virtual-concatenation multi-frames to signal the status of all members. This signaling allows the Sk to indicate to the So that a given member has failed and may need be removed from the list of active members of the VCG.

The RS-Ack field is a bit that is toggled by the Sk to indicate to the So that changes in the sequence numbers for that VCG have been evaluated. It also signals to the So that the MST information in the previous multi-frame is valid. With this signaling, the So can be informed that the changes it has requested (either member addition or removal) have been accepted by the Sk.

The MST and RS-Ack fields are identical in all members of the VCG upon transmission from the Sk.

The Control Field
The control field allows the So to send information to the Sk describing the state of the link during the next control packet. Using this field, the So can signal that the particular path should be added (ADD) to the active members, be deleted (or remain deleted) from the active members (IDLE) or should not be used due to a failure detected at the Sk (DNU). It can also indicate that the particular path is an active member (NORM) or the active member with the highest SQ (EOS). Finally, for compatibility with non-LCAS VCAT the CTRL field can indicate that fixed bandwidth is used (FIXED).

The Group ID field provides a means for the receiver to determine that all members of a received VCG come from the same transmitter. The field contains a portion of a pseudo-random bit sequence (215–1). This value is the same for all members of a VCG at any given MFI.

Finally, the CRC field provides a means to validate the control packet received before acting on it. In this way, the signaling link is tolerant of bit errors.

Basic LCAS Operation
When a VCG is initiated, all MSTs generated by the Sk are set to FAIL. It is then the responsibility of the So to add members to the VCG to establish data continuity. The So can set the initial SQ numbers of multiple members and set their CTRL fields to ADD. The Sk will then set all the corresponding MSTs to OK.

The first MST recognized by the So has its SQ renumbered to the lowest value and this re-sequence will be transmitted to the Sk. Multiple members can be recognized at the same time by the So and the re-sequence may involve more than one member.

The Sk acknowledges the re-sequence by toggling the RS-Ack in all members. After the RS-Ack is received by the So, it will set CTRL field for the corresponding members to NORM with highest SQ member being set to EOS. This process continues until all members have been added to the active group. At this point, the CTRL field for all but one added members will be NORM. The member with the highest SQ will have its CTRL field set to EOS.

Adding, Deleting Members
When members are to be added or deleted, the sequence is similar. The CTRL field for the member or members in question will be set by the So to either ADD or IDLE depending on the operation requested. The Sk will then respond with MST values of either OK or FAIL respectively. Again, the order that the updated MST values are seen and confirmed by the So will determine how the SQ values are updated.

In the event of a network failure resulting in a member failure, the Sk will set the corresponding MST (or MSTs) to FAIL. The So, upon seeing and confirming the status of this member (or members), will set the CTRL field for that member (or those members) to DNU.

If the last member has an MST of FAIL, then the next previous member that remains active will have its CTRL field changed from NORM to EOS. In the event that the failure is repaired, the MST (or MSTs) will be updated by the Sk to OK. At this point, the So can update the CTRL value (or values) to NORM to indicate that the member (or members) will again carry traffic at the next boundary.

In all cases, bandwidth changes take place on the high-order frame or low-order multi-frame following the reception of the CRC of the control packet where the CTRL fields change to or from NORM. Specifically, this is synchronized with the first payload byte after the J1 or J2 following the end of the control packet. This byte will be the first one either filled with data in the case of an added member or the first one left empty in the case of a deleted member.

LCAS Design Considerations
One of the most attractive features of LCAS is the fact that it provides a mechanism to map around VCG member failures by allowing them to be temporarily removed from a VCG without user intervention. Typically, however, paths will be protected in some fashion whether it is 1:N span protections or, more likely unidirectional path switched/subnetwork connection protection (UPSR/SNCP)-type protection within the network. If this is the case, then, on a network failure, it would easily be possible for an Sk to lose a member and signal that condition via the MST field and then regain that member after the So has already initiated temporary removal from the group. Without the ability to allow existing network APS schemes to settle before acting at the LCAS level, this kind of scenario can lead to a considerable amount of thrashing in the reestablishment of data continuity for the VCG after a network failure.

Similarly, while the flexibility of SQ assignment can allow for graceful inclusion or exclusion of VCG members, it can also create significant complication in managing the members. When an So chooses to add multiple members, it must arbitrarily set the SQ values for each member that it wishes to add to something greater than the maximum existing SQ value.

Once an MST=OK is received for any of those members, the So then sets that member’s SQ value to one greater than the highest active member. This means that the all the ‘new’ SQ values of the other members waiting to be added may need to be rearranged.

The RS-Ack is defined specifically so that the Sk can evaluate the new SQ information and acknowledge it before data is placed on the new member, but any table driven alignment scheme based on received SQ values must be tolerant of these changes. Also, software must be able to manage the changes in correlation between Sonet/SDH paths and their SQ values over time.

Additionally, when members are deleted from a VCG, their new SQ values can be any value greater than the highest active member. There is no restriction that these values be unique so many inactive members can share the same SQ. Again, context-switched state machines that run through the SQ values ensuring that all members are processed properly must handle this condition.

Other potential problems can arise from how unused members are handled. If unused paths are received with AIS or unequipped, then the path overhead will contain no virtual concatenation signaling of any kind. There is then no way to determine any kind of virtual concatenation multi-frame alignment of these members. So it must be possible to achieve alignment on the working members of a VCG regardless of the state of all other members.

Moving Processing to Software
As seen above, complications can arise in how different information is interpreted when using LCAS. Due to this complexity and the signaling durations involved (e.g. 64 or 128 ms required to update all MST), it is attractive to move some of the processing to software where more variables can, more easily, be considered. In fact some functions, such as waiting for APS to settle, can be better handled in software.

Care must be taken in establishing the hardware/software partition, however. For example, if a system needs to support hitless addition or deletion of members, the time between the reception of a control packet and when the data multiplexing configuration changes is just 55.6 μs for high-order paths and 250 μs for low-order paths. Software will typically not be able to reconfigure the data multiplexing quickly enough once it has determined what changes are about to occur. It is possible, depending on how many VCGs have changes going on at the same time, that software implementation will not even sort out the changes before they happen.

Wrap Up
Access equipment that supports both high- and low-order mapping allows the service provider to tailor the connectivity granularity and cost based on the requirements of the customers at each installation while only needing to worry about a limited product inventory. With virtual concatenation, the service provider can efficiently provide this appropriate level of connectivity without having to resort to statistical multiplexing techniques that complicate service level agreements (SLAs). With LCAS, bandwidth flexibility and fault tolerance are added.

Designing the systems and components to support virtual-concatenation-enabled Sonet and SDH infrastructures is not trivial, however. Designers have to draw on their experience with legacy equipment and the problems found in the network today to ensure a robust implementation of tomorrow’s network.


Dear Friends,

Sometime we require something that help us to understand SDH in quick mode.For this I have collected some snapshots that will help you crack your interviews as well as make you loaded with the know hows of the same..

1.SDH frame:-


 2.Mapping structure:-





4.Path Overheads:-








7.Alarm Flow:-


Your concerns and queries will be highly appreciated……….

Fiber Optic Communication System Design Considerations

When designing a fiber optic communication system some of the following factors must be taken into consideration:

  • Which modulation and multiplexing technique is best suited for the particular application?
  • Is enough power available at the receiver (power budget)?
  • Rise-time and bandwidth characteristics
  • Noise effects on system bandwidth, data rate, and bit error rate
  • Are erbium-doped fiber amplifiers required?
  • What type of fiber is best suited for the application?
  • Cost
  1. Power Budget

The power arriving at the detector must be sufficient to allow clean detection with few errors. Clearly, the signal at the receiver must be larger than the noise. The power at the detector, Pr, must be above the threshold level or receiver sensitivity Ps.

Pr >= Ps

The receiver sensitivity Ps is the signal power, in dBm, at the receiver that results in a particular bit error rate (BER). Typically the BER is chosen to be one error in 109 bits or 10–9.

The received power at the detector is a function of:

  1. Power emanating from the light source (laser diode or LED)—(PL)
  2. Source to fiber loss (Lsf)
  3. Fiber loss per km (FL) for a length of fiber (L)
  4. Connector or splice losses (Lconn)
  5. Fiber to detector loss (Lfd)

The allocation of power loss among system components is the power budget. The power margin is the difference between the received power Pr and the receiver sensitivity Ps by some margin Lm.

Lm = Pr – Ps

where  Lm is the loss margin in dB, Pr is the received power, Ps is the receiver sensitivity in dBm.

If all of the loss mechanisms in the system are taken into consideration, the loss margin can be expressed as the following equation. All units are dB and dBm.

Lm = PL – Lsf – (FL × L) – Lconn – Lfd – Ps


  1. Bandwidth and Riser Time Budgets

The transmission data rate of a digital fiber optic communication system is limited by the rise time of the various components, such as amplifiers and LEDs, and the dispersion of the fiber. The cumulative effect of all the components should not limit the bandwidth of the system. The rise time tr and bandwidth BW are related by

BW = 0.35/tr

This equation is used to determine the required system rise time. The appropriate components are then selected to meet the system rise time requirements. The relationship between total system rise time and component rise time is given by the following equation

where ts is the total system rise time and tr1, tr2, … are the rise times associated with the various components.

To simplify matters, divide the system into five groups:

  1. Transmitting circuits (ttc)
  2. LED or laser (tL)
  3. Fiber dispersion (tf)
  4. Photodiode (tph)
  5. Receiver circuits (trc)

The system rise time can then be expressed as

The system bandwidth can then be calculated using the following equation from the total rise time ts as given in the above equation

BW = 0.35/ts

Electrical and Optical Bandwidth

  • Electrical bandwidth (BWel) is defined as the frequency at which the ratio current out/current in (Iout/Iin) drops to 0.707. (Analog systems are usually specified in terms of electrical bandwidth.)
  • Optical bandwidth (BWopt) is the frequency at which the ratio power out/power in (Pout/Pin) drops to 0.5.

Because Pin and Pout are directly proportional to Iin and Iout (not I2in and I2out), the half-power point is equivalent to the half-current point. This results in a BWopt that is larger than the BWel as given in the following equation

BWel = 0.707 × BWopt

  1. Fiber Connectors

Many types of connectors are available for fiber optics, depending on the application. The most popular are:

  • SC—snap-in single-fiber connector
  • ST and FC—twist-on single-fiber connector
  • FDDI—fiber distributed data interface connector

In the 1980s, there were many different types and manufacturers of connectors. Today, the industry has shifted to standardized connector types, with details specified by organizations such as the Telecommunications Industry Association(TIA), the International Electrotechnical Commission, and the Electronic Industry Association (EIA).

Snap-in connector (SC)—developed by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone of Japan. Like most fiber connectors, it is built around a cylindrical ferrule that holds the fiber, and it mates with an interconnection adapter or coupling receptacle. A push on the connector latches it into place, with no need to turn it in a tight space, so a simple tug will not unplug it. It has a square cross section that allows high packing density on patch panels and makes it easy to package in a polarized duplex form that ensures the fibers are matched to the proper fibers in the mated connector.

Twist-on single-fiber connectors (ST and FC)—long used in data communication; one of several fiber connectors that evolved from designs originally used for copper coaxial cables.

Duplex connectors—A duplex connector includes a pair of fibers and generally has an internal key so it can be mated in only one orientation. Polarizing the connector in this way is important because most systems use separate fibers to carry signals in each direction, so it matters which fibers are connected. One simple type of duplex connector is a pair of SC connectors, mounted side by side in a single case. This takes advantage of their plug-in-lock design.

Other duplex connectors have been developed for specific types of networks, as part of comprehensive standards. One example is the fixed-shroud duplex (FSD) connector specified by the fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) standard.

  1. Fiber Optic Couplers

A fiber optic coupler is a device used to connect a single (or multiple) fiber to many other separate fibers. There are two general categories of couplers:

  • Star couplers
  • T-couplers
  1. Star Couplers

Transmissive type

Optical signals sent into a mixing block are available at all output fibers. Power is distributed evenly. For an n × n star coupler (n-inputs and n-outputs), the power available at each output fiber is 1/n the power of any input fiber.

The output power from a star coupler is simply

Po = Pin/n

where n = number of output fibers.

An important characteristic of transmissive star couplers is cross talk or the amount of input information coupled into another input. Cross coupling is given in decibels and is typically greater than 40 dB.

The reflective star coupler has the same power division as the transmissive type, but cross talk is not an issue because power from any fiber is distributed to all others.

  1. T-Couplers

In the following figure, power is launched into port 1 and is split between ports 2 and 3. The power split does not have to be equal. The power division is given in decibels or in percent. For example, and 80/20 split means 80% to port 2, 20% to port 3. In decibels, this corresponds to 0.97 dB for port 2 and 6.9 dB for port 3.

Directivity describes the transmission between the ports. For example, if P3/P1 = 0.5, P3/P2 does not necessarily equal 0.5. For a highly directive T-coupler, P3/P2 is very small. Typically, no power is expected to be transferred between any two ports on the same side of the coupler.

Another type of T-coupler uses a graded-index (GRIN) lens and a partially reflective surface to accomplish the coupling. The power division is a function of the reflecting mirror. This coupler is often used to monitor optical power in a fiber optic line.

  1. Wavelength-Division Multiplexers (WDM)

The couplers used for wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) are designed specifically to make the coupling between ports a function of wavelength. The purpose of these couplers is to separate (or combine) signals transmitted at different wavelengths. Essentially, the transmitting coupler is a mixer and the receiving coupler is a wavelength filter. Wavelength-division multiplexers use several methods to separate different wavelengths depending on the spacing between the wavelengths. Separation of 1310 nm and 1550 nm is a simple operation and can be achieved with WDMs using bulk optical diffraction gratings. Wavelengths in the 1550-nm range that are spaced at greater than 1 to 2 nm can be resolved using WDMs that incorporate interference filters. An example of an 8-channel WDM using interference filters is given in the following figure. Fiber Bragg gratings are typically used to separate very closely spaced wavelengths in a DWDM system (< 0.8 nm).

  1. Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA)

Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA)—The EDFA is an optical amplifier used to boost the signal level in the 1530-nm to 1570-nm region of the spectrum. When it is pumped by an external laser source of either 980 nm or 1480 nm, signal gain can be as high as 30 dB (1000 times). Because EDFAs allow signals to be regenerated without having to be converted back to electrical signals, systems are faster and more reliable. When used in conjunction with wavelength-division multiplexing, fiber optic systems can transmit enormous amounts of information over long distances with very high reliability.

  1. Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG)

Fiber Bragg gratings—Fiber Bragg gratings are devices that are used for separating wavelengths through diffraction, similar to a diffraction grating (see the following figure). They are of critical importance in DWDM systems in which multiple closely spaced wavelengths require separation. Light entering the fiber Bragg grating is diffracted by the induced period variations in the index of refraction. By spacing the periodic variations at multiples of the half-wavelength of the desired signal, each variation reflects light with a 360° phase shift causing a constructive interference of a very specific wavelength while allowing others to pass. Fiber Bragg gratings are available with bandwidths ranging from 0.05 nm to >20 nm.

Fiber Bragg grating are typically used in conjunction with circulators, which are used to drop single or multiple narrowband WDM channels and to pass other “express” channels. Fiber Bragg
gratings have emerged as a major factor, along with EDFAs, in increasing the capacity of next generation high-bandwidth fiber optic systems.

The following figure depicts a typical scenario in which DWDM and EDFA technology is used to transmit a number of different channels of high-bandwidth information over a single fiber. As shown, n-individual wavelengths of light operating in accordance with the ITU grid are multiplexed together using a multichannel coupler/splitter or wavelength-division multiplexer. An optical isolator is used with each optical source to minimize troublesome back reflections. A tap coupler then removes 3% of the transmitted signal for wavelength and power monitoring. Upon traveling through a substantial length of fiber (50-100 Km), an EDFA is used to boost the signal strength. After a couple of stages of amplifications, an add/drop channel consisting of a fiber Bragg grating and circulator is introduced to extract and then reinject the signal operating at the λ3 wavelength. After another stage of amplification via EDFA, a broadband WDM is used to combine a 1310-nm signal with the 1550-nm window signals. At the receiver end, another broadband WDM extracts the 1310-nm signal, leaving the 1550-nm window signals. The 1550-nm window signals are finally separated using a DWDM that employs an array of fiber Bragg gratings, each tuned to the specific transmission wavelength. This system represents the current state of the art in high-bandwidth fiber optic data transmission.

1. The English once took it to be an alphabet. The Chinese affectionately term it ‘the little mouse’. The Dutch call it an ‘elephant’s trunk’, the Germans a spider monkey, the Italians as a snail. It is ‘&amp;’ (ampersand).
2. The inspiration for the brand name Yahoo! Came from a word made up by Jonathan Swift in his book Gulliver’s Travels. A Yahoo was a person who was ugly and not a human in appearance.
3. The prime reason the Google home page is so bare, is due to the fact that the founders didn’t know the HTML and just wanted a quick interface. In fact, the submit button was a later addition and initially, hitting the RETURN key was the only way to burst Google into life.
4. Sweden has the highest percentage of its population i.e. 76.9 per cent hooked on to the Internet. In contrast, the world average is 11.9 per cent and India has a poor 7.2 per cent.
5. The Dilbert Zone was the first comic website on the Internet.
6. A resident of Tonga could have the rights to register domains ending in .to as Tongo’s Internet code is .to. Such possibilities are fun to consider: or
7. The day after Internet Explorer 4 was released, a few Microsoft employees left a 10 by 12-foot Internet Explorer logo on Netscape’s front lawn with a message that said “We love you” at the height of the browser wars in the late 90’s.
8. The world ‘e-mail’ has been banned by the French Ministry of culture. They are required to use the word ‘Courriel’ instead, which is the French equivalent of Internet. This move became the subject of ridicule from the cyber community in general.
9. Did you know that was the first ever domain name registered online?
10. According to a University of Minnesota report, researchers estimate the volume of Internet traffic is growing at an annual rate of 50 to 60 per cent.
11. The term Internet and World Wide Web are often used in every-day speech without much distinction. However, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same. The Internet is a global data communications system. It is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides connectivity between computers. In contrast, the Web is one of the services communicated via the Internet. It is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs.
12. In February 2009, Twitter had a monthly growth (of users) of over 1300 per cent several times more than Facebook.
13. The first graphical Web browser to become truly popular was Marc Andresen and Jamie Zawinski’s NCSA Mosaic. It was the first browser made available for Window’s, Mac and Unix X windows System with the first version appearing in MARCH 1993.
14. The cost of transmitting information has fallen dramatically. A trillion bits of information from Boston to Los Angeles from $150,000 in 1970 to 12 cents today. E-mailing a 40 page document from Chile to Kenya costs less than 10 cents, faxing it about $10, sending it by courier $50.
15. The typical Internet user worldwide is young, male and wealthy – a member of an elite minority.
16. The average total cost of using a local dialup Internet account for 20 hours a month and USD 60 a month in the US. The average African monthly salary is less than USD 60.
17. Before they can read, almost one in four children in nursery school are learning a skill that even some adults have yet to master: using the Internet, about 23per cent of children in nursery school – kids age 3,4 or 5 – have gone online.
18. at the end of the 20th century, 90 per cent of data on Africa was stored in Europe and the United States.
19. Facebook now has 24 million users who spend an average of 14 minutes on the site every time they visit. This is up from 8 minutes last September, according to Hit wise, a traffic measuring service.
20. MySpace has 67 million numbers – nearly 3 times as many as Facebook! MySpace users spend an average of 30 minutes on the site each time they visit.
21. if you want to sell your book on you can set the price, but then they will take 55 per cent cut and leave you with only 45 per cent.
22. R Tomlinson was the first person on records to have sent an email. His email address was: <a href=”mailto:tom-linson@bbn.tenexa”>tom-linson@bbn.tenexa</a>. He had invented this software that allowed messages to be sent between computers. He is also credited with the use of the @ in email addresses.
23. Counting only domain name sites with content, Netcraft has tracked the growth of the internet since 1995 and says of the 100 million; around 48 million are active sites that are updated regularly. When it began observing sites through the domain name system in 1995, there were 18,000 web sites in existence.
24. On the internet, a ‘bastion host’ is the only host computer that a company allows to be addressed directly from the public network.
25. Around 1 per cent of the world’s 650 million corporate e-mail accounts are plugged into hardware and software that forwards incoming messages to a mobile device. And about 3.65 million of them us a Blackberry.
26. Almost half of people online have at least three e-mail accounts. In addition the average consumer has maintained the same e-mail address for four to six years.
27. Spam accounts for over 60 per cent of all email, according to Message Labs. Google says at least one third of all Gmail servers are filled with spam.
28. Yahoo started out as “Jerry and David’s guide to the world Wide Web”. Jerry Yang and David Filo were PhD candidates at Stanford in 1994 when they started the site.
29. The first Web browser was already capable of downloading and displaying movies, sounds and any file type supported by the operating system.
30. ‘Carnivore’ is the Internet surveillance system developed by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who developed it to monitor the electronic transmissions of criminal suspects.
31. Anthony Greco, aged 18, became the first person arrested for spam (unsolicited instant messages) on February 21, 2005.
32. A NeXT computer used by Tim Berners-Lee was the world’s first web server.
33. The first web site was built at CERN. CERN is the French acronym for European Council for Nuclear Research and is located at Geneva, Switzerland.
34. The World Wide Web is the most extensive implementation of the hypertext but it is not the only one. A computer help file is actually a hypertext document.
35. The concept of style sheets was already in place when the first browser was released.
36. Worldwide Web was programmed with Objective C.
37. Hypertext is implemented in the web as links in the browser window. Links are references to text that the user wants to access. When a link is clicked the referenced text is displayed or brought into focus.
38. The address of the world’s first web server is <a href=””></a> The URL of the first web page was <a href=””></a>. Although this page is not hosted anymore at CERN, a later version of the page is posted at <a href=””></a>.
39. In December 1991, the first institution in the US to adopt the web was the Stanford Linear Accelerator center (SLAC). True to the Berners-Lee vision, it was used to display an online catalog of SLAC’s documents.
40. Marc Andreessen started Netscape and released Netscape Navigator in 1994. during the height of its popularity, Netscape Navigator accounted for almost 90 per cent of all web use.
41. The first browser that made the web available to PC and Mac users was Mosaic. It was developed by National Center for Supercomputing (NCSA) led by Marc Andreessen in February, 1993. Mosaic was one of the first graphical web browsers and led to an explosion in web use.
42. April 30, 1993 is an important date for the Web because on that day, CERN announced that anyone may use WWW technology freely.
43. Microsoft released Internet Explorer on 1995. This event initiated the browser wars. By bundling internet explorer with the Windows operating system, by 2002, Internet Explorer became the most dominant web browser with a market share over 95 per cent.
44. It was in the Conference Dinner in May 26, 1994 where the first Best of WWW awards were given. It was by pure coincidence that the jazz band that played during the awards was called “Wolfgang and the Were Wolves”.
45. Only 4 per cent of Arab women use the Internet. Moroccan women represent almost a third of that figure.
46. As of July 2009, Microsoft Internet Explorer accounted for 67.68 per cent of all browsers used Mozilla Firefox was used by 22.47 per cent of all users.
47. The development of standards for the World Wide Web is managed by the W3C or the World Wide Web consortium. The W3C was founded in October, 1994 and headed by Tim Berners-Lee.
48. The first White House website was launched during the Clinton-Gore administration on October 21, 1994. Coincidentally, the site linked to a pornography web site.
49. Open source technology dominates the web. The most common software used for web serving is called LAMP standing for the Linux operating system, apache web server, MySql database and PHP scripting language.
50. The “www” part of a web site ( is optional and is not required by any web policy or standard.
51. Despite IPv4’s 4.3 billion unique addresses, it is forecasted that by 2011, the address space will be consumed. A newer scheme called IPv6 is slowly replacing IPv4 in some countries. IPv6 has the capability to address 2128 computers. to give perspective to this very big number, the world’s population of 6.5 billion people as of 2006 can be given 295 unique addresses.
52. YouTube’s bandwidth requirements to upload and view all those videos cost as much as 1 million dollars a day and drawing. The revenues generated by YouTube cannot pay for its upkeep.
53. The blue colored links on a web page is just a browser default because way back on the days when monitors only had 16 colours, blue was the darkest colour that did not affect text legibility.
54. All three letter word combinations from to are already registered as domain names.
55. Around 75 per cent of the music that is available for download has never been purchased and it is costing money just to be on the server.
56. One million domain names are registered every month.
57. According to AT&amp;T vice president Jim Cicconi, 8 hours of video is uploaded into YouTube every minute. This was on April 2008. On May 21, 2009, YouTube received 20 hours of video content per minute.
58. Of the 13 million music files available on the web, 52,000 tunes accounted for 80 per cent of download.
59. By 2012 it has been said that there will be 17 billion devices connected to the internet. In most of Asia, mobile phones are leading the way to internet connectivity.
60. The term Deep Web is used to refer to a wealth of information that is at least 400 to 550 times larger than the searchable Internet. This content consisting of most of the information on today’s active websites is stored in databases which are invisible to search engines. this information contains data such as prices of items, airfares and other stuff that will never surface unless somebody queries for that information. The Deep Web and all that hidden information is what prevents search engines from giving us a definitive answer to simple questions like “How much is the cheapest airfare from New York to London next Thursday?”
61. In a recent survey conducted by security specialist Symantec of the 100 most unsafe and malware infested web sites, 48 per cent of them feature adult content.
62. Naked women make up 80 per cent of all the pictures on the internet.
63. The online population of Facebook, 250 million users worldwide, and MySpace, which had 100 million accounts by 2007, are bigger than the populations of many nations worldwide. On April 2008, Facebook overtook MySpace in terms of monthly visits.
64. It took the web only 4 years to reach 50 million users. Radio took 38 years while TV made it in 13 years.
65. was formerly known as
66. A blogger Kyle MacDonald, made history in 2006 by trading his way to glory. Starting out with a paper clip, he traded his way to increasingly costlier items and of value including a year’s rent and an afternoon with the Alice Cooper. He eventually traded a film role for a two-storey farmhouse Kipling, Saskatchewan.
67. Bit torrents, depending on location, are estimated to consume 27 to 55 per cent of all internet bandwidth as of February, 2009.
68. Domain registration was free until the National Science foundation decided to change this on September 14th, 1995.
69. It is estimated that one of every eight married couples started by meeting online.
70. Lee Stein invented the first online electronic bank in 1994 entitled, “First Virtual Holdings”.
71. The Internet is roughly 35% English with the Chinese at 14%. Yet only 13% of world’s population i.e. 812 million are Internet users as of December 2004. North America has the highest continental concentration with 70 per cent of the populace using the Internet.
72. Official statistics in the UK say that 29 per cent of women have never used the internet, but only 20 per cent of men.
73. In 1995, Bob Metcalfe coined the phrase ‘The Web might be better than sex’.
74. Iceland has the highest percentage of the Internet users at 68 per cent. The United States stands at 56%. 34% of all Malaysians us the Internet while only eight per cent of Jordanians are connected, 4% of Palestinians; 0.6% of Nigerians and 0.1% of Tajikistanis.
75. Employees at Google are encouraged to use 20 per cent of their time working on their own projects. Google News, Orkut are both examples of projects that grew from this working model.
76. Afghanistan has a combined telephone penetration of 3.4 per cent.
77. Someone is a victim of a cybercrime every 10 seconds and it is on the rise.
78. The first search engine for Gopher files was called Veronica, created by the University of Nevada System Computing Services group.
79. The Electrohippies Collective (Ehippies) is an international group of internet activists based in Oxfordshire, England, whose purpose is to express disapproval of governmental policies of mass media censorship and control of the Internet “in order to provide a ‘safe environment’ for corporations to do their deals.”
80. Luking is to read through mailing lists or news groups and get a feel of the topic before posting one’s own message.
81. The Internet was called the ‘Galactic Network’ in memos written by MIT’s JCR Licklider in 1962.
82. The first internet worm was created by Robert Morris, Jr, and attacked more than 6,000 Internet hosts.
83. SRS stands for Shared Registry Server which is the central system for all accredited registrars to access, register and control domain names.
84. The search engine Lycos is named after Lycosidae which is a Latin name for the wolf spider family.
85. It is believed that Subhash Ghai’s film Taal was the first bollywood movie to be widely promoted on the internet.
86. Rob Glasser’s company Progressive Networks launched the RealAudio system on April 10, 1995.
87. Butter Jeeves of the internet site made its debut as a large helium balloon in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade in 2000.
88. In Beijing, the internet community has coined the word ‘Chortal’ as a shortened version of ‘Chinese’ Portal.
89. Satyam Online became the first private ISP in December 1998 to offer internet connection in India.
90. In 1946, the Merriam Webster defined a computer as a person who tabulates numbers, accountant, actuary, book keeper.
91. In 1969, advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) went online connecting four major US universities. The idea was to have a backup in case a military attack destroyed conventional communication system.
92. The first ever ISP was CompuServe which still exists under AOL, Timer Warner.
93. Jeff Bezos while starting his business could not name his website Cadabra due to copyright issues. He later named it
94. The longest phone cable is a submarine cable called FLAG (Fiber-Optic Link Around the Globe). It spans 16,800 miles from Japan to the United Kingdom and can carry 600,000 calls at a time.
95. The first coin operated machine ever designed was a holy-water dispenser that required a five-drachma piece to operate. It was the brainchild of the Greek scientist Hero in first century A.D.