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Optical performance


Optical power tolerance: It refers to the tolerable limit of input optical power, which is the range from sensitivity to overload point.

Optical power requirement: If refers to the requirement on input optical power, realized by adjusting the system (such as adjustable attenuator, fix attenuator, optical amplifier).


Optical power margin: It refers to an acceptable extra range of optical power. For example, “–5/ + 3 dB” requirement is actually a margin requirement.

Q is the quality of a communication signal and is related to BER. A lower BER gives a higher Q and thus a higher Q gives better performance. Q is primarily used for translating relatively large BER differences into manageable values.

Pre-FEC signal fail and Pre-FEC signal degrade thresholds are provisionable in units of dBQ so that the user does not need to worry about FEC scheme when determining what value to set the thresholds to as the software will automatically convert the dBQ values to FEC corrections per time interval based on FEC scheme and data rate.

The Q-Factor, is in fact a metric to identify the attenuation in the receiving signal and determine a potential LOS and it is an estimate of the Optical-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (OSNR) at the optical receiver.   As attenuation in the receiving signal increases, the dBQ value drops and vice-versa.  Hence a drop in the dBQ value can mean that there is an increase in the Pre FEC BER, and a possible LOS could occur if the problem is not corrected in time.

The Quality of an Optical Rx signal can be measured by determining the number of “bad” bits in a block of received data.  The bad bits in each block of received data are removed and replaced with “good” zero’s or one’s such that the network path data can still be properly switched and passed on to its destination.  This strategy is referred to as Forward Error Correction (FEC) and prevents a complete loss of traffic due to small un-important data-loss that can be re-sent again later on.  The process by which the “bad” bits are replaced with the “good” bits in an Rx data block is known as Mapping.  The Pre FEC are the FEC Counts of “bad” bits before the Mapper and the FEC Counts (or Post FEC Counts) are those after the Mapper.

The number of Pre FEC Counts for a given period of time can represent the status of the Optical Rx network signal; An increase in the Pre FEC count means that there is an increase in the number of “bad” bits that need to be replaced by the Mapper.  Hence a change in rate of the Pre FEC Count (Bit Erro Rate – BER) can identify a potential problem upstream in the network.  At some point the Pre FEC Count will be too high as there will be too many “bad” bits in the incoming data block for the Mapper to replace … this will then mean a Loss of Signal (LOS).

As the normal number of Pre FEC Counts are high (i.e. 1.35E-3 to 6.11E-16) and constantly fluctuate, it can be difficult for an network operator to determine whether there is a potential problem in the network.  Hence a dBQ value, known as the Q-Factor, is used as a measure of the Quality of the receiving optical signal.  It should be consistent with the Pre FEC Count Bit Error Rate (BER).

The standards define the Q-Factor as Q = 10log[(X1 – X0)/(N1 – N0)] where Xj and Nj are the mean and standard deviation of the received mark-bit (j=1) and space-bit (j=0)  …………….  In some cases Q = 20log[(X1 – X0)/(N1 – N0)]

For example, the linear Q range 3 to 8 covers the BER range of 1.35E-3 to 6.11E-16.

Nortel defines dBQ as 10xlog10(Q/Qref) where Qref is the pre-FEC raw optical Q, which gives a BER of 1E-15 post-FEC assuming a particular error distribution. Some organizations define dBQ as 20xlog10(Q/Qref), so care must be taken when comparing dBQ values from different sources.

The dBQ figure represents the dBQ of margin from the following pre-FEC BERs (which are equivalent to a post-FEC BER of 1E-15). The equivalent linear Q value for these BERs are  Qref in the above formula.

Pre-FEC signal degrade can be used the same way a car has an “oil light” in that it states that there is still margin left but you are closer to the fail point than expected so action should be taken.

What is Q-factor ?

Q-factor measurement occupies an intermediate position between the classical optical parameters (power, OSNR, and wavelength) and the digital end-to-end performance parameters based on BER.A Q-factor is measured in the time domain by analyzing the statistics of the pulse shape of the optical signal. A Q-factor is a comprehensive measure for the signal quality of an optical channel taking into account the effects of noise, filtering, and linear/non-linear distortions on the pulse shape, which is not possible with simple optical parameters alone.

Definition 1:

The Q-factor, a function of the OSNR, provides a qualitative description of the receiver performance. The Q-factor suggests the minimum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) required to obtain a specific BER for a given signal. OSNR is measured in decibels. The higher the bit rate, the higher the OSNR ratio required. For OC-192 transmissions, the OSNR should be at least 27 to 31 dB compared to 18 to 21 dB for OC-48.

 Definition 2:

The Quality factor is a measure of how noisy a pulse is for diagnostic purposes. The eye pattern oscilloscope will typically generate a report that shows what the Q factor number is. The Q factor is defined as shown in the figure: the difference of the mean values of the two signal levels (level for a “1” bit and level for a “0” bit) divided by the sum of the noise standard deviations at the two signal levels. A larger number in the result means that the pulse is relatively free from noise.

 Definition 3:

Q is defined as follows: The ratio between the sums of the distance from the decision point within the eye (D) to each edge of the eye, and the sum of the RMS noise on each edge of the eye.

This definition can be derived from the following definition, which in turn comes from ITU-T G.976 (ref. 3).

where m1,0 are the mean positions of each rail of the eye, and s1,0 are the S.D., or RMS noise, present on each of these rails.

For an illustration of where these values lie within the eye see the following figure:


As Q is a ratio it is reported as a unit-less positive value greater than 1 (Q>1). A Q of 1 represents complete closure of the received optical eye. To give some idea of the associated raw BER a Q of 6 corresponds to a raw BER of 10-9.

Q factor as defined in ITU-T G.976

The Q factor is the signal-to-noise ratio at the decision circuit in voltage or current units, and is typically expressed by:


where µ1,0, is the mean value of the marks/spaces voltages or currents, and s1,0 is the standard deviation.

The mathematic relations to BER when the threshold is set to the optimum value are:






The Q factor can be written in terms of decibels rather than in linear values:



Calculation of Q-Factor from OSNR

The OSNR is the most important parameter that is associated with a given optical signal. It is a measurable (practical) quantity for a given network, and it can be calculated from the given system parameters. The following sections show you how to calculate OSNR. This section discusses the relationship of OSNR to the Q-factor.

The logarithmic value of Q (in dB) is related to the OSNR by following  Equation


In the equation, B0 is the optical bandwidth of the end device (photodetector) and Bc is the electrical bandwidth of the receiver filter.

Therefore, Q(dB) is shown in


In other words, Q is somewhat proportional to the OSNR. Generally, noise calculations are performed by optical spectrum analyzers (OSAs) or sampling oscilloscopes, and these measurements are carried over a particular measuring range of Bm. Typically, Bmis approximately 0.1 nm or 12.5 GHz for a given OSA. From Equation showing Q in dB in terms of OSNR, it can be understood that if B0 < Bc, then OSNR (dB )> Q (dB). For practical designs OSNR(dB) > Q(dB), by at least 1–2 dB. Typically, while designing a high-bit rate system, the margin at the receiver is approximately 2 dB, such that Q is about 2 dB smaller than OSNR (dB).

The Q-Factor, is in fact a metric to identify the attenuation in the receiving signal and determine a potential LOS and it is an estimate of the Optical-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (OSNR) at the optical receiver.   As attenuation in the receiving signal increases, the dBQ value drops and vice-versa.  Hence a drop in the dBQ value can mean that there is an increase in the Pre FEC BER, and a possible LOS could occur if the problem is not corrected in time.


ITU-T G.976